Around Akerman

Mike R retirement party

AEM celebrates Mike Revier’s 47 years of service

Mike Revier retired in November 2022 after over 47 years of service with the University. Mike was one of the custodians assigned to supporting Akerman Hall. During his service, Mike forged strong relationships with AEM students and faculty, especially those working in the building after hours. 



Donna Rosenthal retires

AEM’s longtime Department Administrator Donna Rosenthal retired last May after 33 years with the department. Donna was an important partner to four department heads during her time in AEM, and was critical in the success of all the faculty members, graduate students and undergraduate students who have been part of AEM over that time. 


Dan Hegland

Dan Hegland's last day in AEM 

Dan Hegland served in AEM’s accounting area since 1995, providing outstanding support for the sponsored research in AEM. Dan started a new position in CSE, assisting the Department of Mechanical Engineering and other CSE units.


2022 AEM holiday party

AEM celebrates the holidays

On December 14, the AEM faculty and staff celebrated their first-ever Department Holiday Party. Games, baked goods, and ugly sweaters were in abundance and all had a merry and joyful time!

