AEM Walks in Homecoming Parade for the First Time in Department History

The Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Department (AEM) excitedly came together to participate in the University Homecoming Parade for the first time in its history! The experience highlighted the department’s strong sense of community and creativity as students, staff, and faculty from all years and classes came together to engineer ways to engage with the greater community and make this experience a memorable one. 

Everyone put forward their best efforts to prepare for the parade. Planning efforts started weeks in advance with enthusiastic support from staff, faculty, and students, everyone was able to materialize their ideas. “As the parade approached the entire department was overflowing with this sense of pride, community, and excitement” said Senior Lab Assistant Dan Rueter. The feelings were mutual as we displayed the many applications of Aerospace Engineering through past student projects, a weather balloon manned by the ballooning team, and even a parachuted candy distribution system. 

The entire experience has been an opportunity to showcase the inspiring minds behind our department’s success, and the energy from the parade has continued to buzz throughout campus as students, staff, and faculty continue to collaborate on projects and research throughout the semester. We couldn’t have asked for a better experience at our first ever homecoming parade and we are excited to return next year

Candy being distributed via parachute launch mid parade
The AEM Department walking in the parade featuring a large weather balloon
Students walking in the Homecoming parade holding UAVs
The AEM department poses for a group picture with an alum
