BME t-shirt design winners announced

November 25, 2020 — A Department of Biomedical Engineering t-shirt designed by graduate students is now available for purchase.

Online store

The design was created as part of a virtual competition involving BME graduate students and faculty members. Competitors were split up randomly into Zoom breakout rooms and tasked with coming up with a concept for the t-shirt design. 

Each team presented their idea and all competitors voted on each concept. The winning concept team was:

  • Heather Bomberger
  • Jeanne Hsieh
  • MariPen Yeatts

Then, each team was tasked with using that concept to create a final design, which was again voted on by all competitors. The winning design team was:

  • Abbigael Harthorn
  • Athena Geisness
  • Carly Donahue
  • Harry Tran 

Congratulations to the winning teams!

