Past Arthur L. Norberg Travel Grant Recipients
- Jacob Bruggeman-Ph.D. Candidate, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Department of History Johns Hopkins University
- Pierre-jacques Pernuit, Ph.D., Postdctoral Researcher, Università Ca’Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Cultural
- Karlynne Ejercito-Ph.D. Candidate, American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California
- Boyd Ruamcharoen-Ph.D. candidate, History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Tyler Shoemaker-Postdoctoral Scholar, DataLab, University of California, Davis
- Biyi Wen, University of Colorado Boulder
- David E. Dunning, Post doc, University of Oxford
- Hanan Kataw, ABD, Harvard University
- Mr. Marc Aidinoff, ABD in the History, Anthropology, Science, Technology and Society, MIT
- Dr. David Nofre, University of Amsterdam
- Mr. Ulysses Pascal, ABD in Information Studies, UCLA
- Ms. Jamie Steele, ABD student in Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute
- Dr. Mate Szabo, postdoctoral Research Associate, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
- Corinna Schlombs, Rochester Institute of Technology, "Data Entry in Banking: Office Automation, Gender, Race, and Class"
- Ella Coon, Columbia University, Tracking the political economy of technology transfers by Control Data Corporation during the 1970s and 1980s
- Tasha Schoenstein, Harvard University, "Departments and Disciplines: The Institutionalization of Computer Science, 1960-1989"
- Pierre-Christian Fink, Columbia University, "Burroughs and the Creation of the Critical Infrastructure for U.S. Payments"
- Jacquelyne Thoni Howard, Tulane University, "Women's Techno-Activism: Responses of the Association for Women in Computing to the Gender Gap, 1978-1991"
- Jillian Foley, University of Chicago, Research on cryptography and information security in industry and law enforcement
- Gili Vidan, Harvard University, “‘Nothing in the Middle’: Crisis and Nostalgia in the Making of National Cryptographic Policy in the United States, 1988-2001”
- Avery J. Wiscomb, Carnegie Mellon University, “The Long Bloom: Computing Conflict in the U.S. Midcentury”
- Gerardo Con Diaz, University of California-Davis, “IBM's Legal Strategies”
- Evan Hepler-Smith, Harvard University, "The Molecular World: How Molecules Became Digital, and Everything Became Molecules"
- Scott Kushner, University of Rhode Island, “High-Tech Tickets: How Access to Culture Started to Compete”
- Charles Petersen, Harvard University, “Meritocracy in America: The Rise of Silicon Valley, 1945-2017”
- Ekaterina Babintseva, University of Pennsylvania, “Self, Computer, and Society: The Development of Computer-Based Education in the Cold War United States and Soviet Union”
- Salem Elzway, University of Michigan, Research on the history and political economy of the computer in the early Cold War
- Alana Staiti, Cornell University, “A Body in Motion: A History of Human Modeling for Computer Graphics and Animation, 1960s-1980s”
- Scott M. Campbell, University of Waterloo, “How did Canadians professionalize modern computing in the 1950s and 1960s?”
- Ellen K. Foster, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, hackerspaces/makerspaces
- Joshua Hudelson, New York University, “Feedback Aesthetics: The Collaborative History of Music and Computers”
- Nabeel A. Siddiqui, College of William and Mary, “Byting Out the Public: Personal Computers and the Private Sphere, 1966-1991”
Kim W. Tracy, Michigan Technological University, “Software Evolution: Lessons Learned from Software History”
- Michael Castelle, University of Chicago, "Concurrency and Durability: Transaction Processing in the 1970s and 1980s"
- John Day, Boston University, "Investigating Networking at a Crucial Juncture"
- Raiford Guins, Stony Brook University, "Tennis For Two, or the Love of Analog Technology"
- Andrew Russell, Stevens Institute of Technology, "Oral History Interview with John Day"
- Nathan Ensmenger, Indiana University, research on computer ethics
- Marie Hicks, Illinois Institute of Technology, "Not Grace Hopper: Tracing Everyday Women Through Histories of Feminist Computing Cultures"
- Joseph November, University of South Carolina, research on biomedical computing
- Kevin Gotkin, University of Pennsylvania, "Amateur Computer Clubs and the Hacker Imaginary"
- Jeffrey H. Matsuura, Alliance Law Group, "The Evolution of Patents in the U.S. Computer Industry"
- Mara Mills, New York University, "Reading Machines and the History of OCR"
- Madeleine Monson-Rosen, University of Illinois-Chicago, "Digital Humanity: The Novel and the Computer 1965-1995"
- Hansen Hsu, Cornell University, "Cultural Values and Practices in the NeXT/Apple 'Cocoa' Software Developer Community: A History and Ethnography"
- Rachel Lee, University of Rochester, "Media of the Imagination: Romantic Poetry, Media History, and the Digital Humanities"
- Irina Nikiforova, Georgia Institute of Technology, "The Turing Prize Scientists: Their Paths to Contribution and Recognition in Computer Science"
- Andrew L. Russell, Stevens Institute of Technology, "An Open World: The History and Ideology of Network Standards"
- Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School, "Managing the World: Shaping Main-Frame Computer Industry and Western Society, 1945-c.1975"
- David Nofre, University of Amsterdam, "The Algol effort"
- Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo, University of Leicester, "ATMs in America and Britain: A comparative history of globalisation in retail financial markets, 1967-2005"
- Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi, Independent Scholar, "Cognitive and Perceptual Training in the Cold War Man-Machine System"
Over the years several individuals have contributed to the Arthur L. Norberg Fund. We would like to highlight their generosity. Learn more about how you can make a contribution.
William F. Aspray
Charles W. Bachman
Paul Baran
Martin Campbell-Kelly
James W. Cortada
Judith & John Diffenbaugh
Ronald Frazzini
Bruce Gilchrist
Martin A. Goetz
Richard J. Hedger
Thomas P. Hughes
John Impagliazzo
George T. Jacobi
Susan D. Jones
Ernest E. Keet
Sally G. Kohlstedt
Mark A. Largent
Thomas J. Misa
Robert M. Price
Linda C. Smith
Roger H. Stuewer
Earl E. Swartzlander
Erwin & Adelle Tomash
William Wulf & Anita Jones
Jeffrey R. Yost