Empowering Undergraduates with the CEMS Ambassador Program

The CEMS Ambassador Program offers undergraduate students a unique opportunity to grow as leaders while making a meaningful impact within the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. Designed for students passionate about their field and eager to connect with others, this program empowers ambassadors to take on key roles that benefit their peers, prospective students, and the department as a whole.

CEMS Ambassadors serve as representatives at recruitment events, such as major exploration fairs, where they share their experiences and insights with prospective students. They frequently participate as panelists in information sessions and may also meet one-on-one with prospective students looking to learn more about life in CEMS’ undergraduate programs.

Beyond their external engagement, ambassadors play an essential role in fostering connections within their own cohorts, helping to build a strong sense of community among their peers. They also contribute their unique insights to departmental initiatives, such as the department’s social media strategy, ensuring it reflects the student experience authentically.

The CEMS Ambassador Program is designed to be flexible while providing meaningful opportunities for professional and personal development. It is an excellent way to develop leadership skills, enhance communication abilities, and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of CEMS.

If you are interested in learning more about the CEMS Ambassador Program, please email Kacey Gregerson, the coordinator of the program at [email protected].
