Massari group celebrates 11 years of University on the Prairie

Left to right: Aaron Massari, Zhihao Wu, Alexandra Atchison, and Gabby Vandendries
MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (7/3/2024) – Professor Aaron Massari and his group recently participated in the University on the Prairie, a UMN outreach program that happens annually at the Southwest Regional Outreach Center in Lamberton, MN. The program aims to get rural 7th–11th graders excited to study science and engineering in college, and ultimately use their education to fill critical jobs in rural communities in MN. This is the 11th year that the Massari group has organized multiple days of hands-on Chemistry demonstrations for this program since 2011! This year’s themes – facilitated by Prof. Massari, Alexandra Atchison, Gabby Vandendries, and Zhihao Wu – were the chemistry of batteries and dissolving carbon dioxide in liquids.