CMDC Welcomes Bill Aerts as Managing Director

The Center for Medical Device Cybersecurity is pleased welcome Bill Aerts as its new Managing Director. Bill is an expert in the area of medical device cybersecurity. He served as the Executive Director of the Archimedes Center for Healthcare and Device Security since 2017. Prior to that he served as the Global Director of Product Security with Medtronics Global Security Office. He helped to build Medtronic’s original Information Security Program and has created and championed information and product security programs in the insurance, transportation, retail and healthcare industries.
In his new role with the CMDC, Bill will be directing operations and working with members to develop and support CMDC activities such as the roundtables and workforce development programs. He will also actively be recruiting new members to further build on this amazing industry-academia collaboration. Bill will also served as a Senior Fellow at the Technological Leadership Institute.
His first day with the CMDC will be Monday, October 25, 2021.