2019-20 K-12 Outreach Report
Understand the impact of K-12 outreach programs from the College of Science and Engineering Student Services office.
K-12 Outreach Programs
We envision a community of scientists and engineers who leverage their diverse perspectives to address critical societal challenges with innovative solutions. With this vision in mind, we are on a mission to inspire and equip the next generation of students to pursue a science, engineering, or mathematics degree by building relationships and implementing impactful outreach programs.

Discover STEM
Discover STEM is a week-long day camp on campus offering a hands-on introduction to the variety of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics opportunities at CSE for participants entering 11-12th grade. Participants experience campus life, learn more about academic programs, and explore potential careers through activities such as: lab experiments, science and technology demonstrations, campus, residential life, and lab tours, as well as lectures and career panel discussions.
In 2019, we offered three sessions of Discover STEM: June 17-21, July 29-August 2, and August 5-9.
Sponsored by 3M and Polaris.
Discover STEM participants are high achieving, college bound, and diverse.

Matriculation Rate
Over two-thirds of Discover STEM participants apply to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Of the 429 campers that have graduated high school (spanning the fall 2015-fall 2019 enrolling NHS cohorts):

Program Volunteers
In addition to the Assistant Director of Outreach and four CSE undergraduate Outreach Assistants, the following people and units volunteered:
- Center for Transportation Studies
Brian Davis - Department of Biomedical Engineering
Zhi Yang - Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
Ulrike Tschirner - Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science
Samira Azarin - Department of Chemistry
Erin Carlson - Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering
Joseph Labuz, Erin Surdo
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dan Keefe, Junaed Sattar, Catherine Zhao - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Katsumi Matsumoto - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Andrew Lamperski - Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kevin Leder - Department of Mechanical Engineering
Peter Bruggeman, Sungyon Lee - Graduate Women in Biomedical Engineering
Mikayla Hall - Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
McKenzie Coughlin, Bharat Jalan, Vlad Pribiag - Minnesota Nano Center
Jim Marti

Girls Inc. Eureka!
Partnering with Girls Inc. at YWCA of Minneapolis, the College of Science and Engineering offered Eureka!, a month-long science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) intensive summer day camp program to increase Minnesota's educational equity. Together, the partnership has nurtured STEM interest and confidence in 140 underrepresented and underserved participants representing over 50 schools around the Twin Cities.
Eureka! is Girls Inc. at the YWCA of Minneapolis’ five-year summer and school year program for girls focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The College of Science and Engineering is proud to be the University partner in offering two concurrent month-long day camps for rising 8-9th grade girls. Eureka! builds sisterhood with girls from all over the Twin Cities, exploring their career interests and dreams while supporting them through high school graduation and preparing them for the next step in their post-secondary education. Sponsored by 3M and Polaris.
Eureka! participant demographics

80% of Eureka! participants return for all 5 years of the program.
Program Volunteers
In addition to the Assistant Director of Outreach and four CSE undergraduate Outreach Assistants, the following people and units volunteered:
- Anderson Innovation Labs
Ben Guengerich - Center for Transportation Studies
Brian Davis - Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
James Flaten - Department of Biomedical Engineering
Zhi Yang - Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
Snober Ahmed, Ulrike Tschirner - Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science
Samira Azarin, Lorraine Francis
- Department of Chemistry
Ambika Bhagi-Damodaran, Erin Carlson - Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering
Erin Surdo - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dan Keefe, Junaed Sattar, Lana Yarosh - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mingyi Hong - Department of Mechanical Engineering
Julianna Able, Peter Bruggeman - Earl E. Bakken Medical Devices Center
Steve Thomalla - Experimental Surgical Services
Mickey Dunning - Graduate Women in Biomedical Engineering
Mikayla Hall - Minnesota Nano Center
Jim Marti
This program was sponsored by 3M and Polaris.
TRIO Upward Bound internships
High school summer internships offer underrepresented and underserved high school students research and hands-on STEM experiences on campus. The College of Science and Engineering was proud to partner with the University of Minnesota’s Libraries and TRiO Upward Bound program in offering a four week part-time internship for 5 rising 10-12th graders. CSE undergraduate Outreach Assistants worked alongside the high school interns in small groups to complete two projects: a major/career exploration research project and a hands-on design project. Affiliated units include the Anderson Innovation Lab and the Departments of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, and the School of Mathematics.
Sponsored by 3M and Polaris.

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) teacher trainings
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) teacher trainings Project Lead the Way is a national organization that provides K-12 pre-engineering curriculum and teacher training. The University of Minnesota is proud to be a PLTW Training Hub. In PLTW Core Training, teachers take on the role of a student, engage in in-depth exploration of PLTW coursework, and gain invaluable experience to take back to their classrooms. In 2019, eight PLTW courses were offered to 125 teachers, including 48 from Minnesota. Return to top
2019-20 Academic Year Programs
The global COVID-19 pandemic brought academic year programming to an abrupt and early end in March this year. We are committed to providing a safe environment for our community, and we look forward to welcoming youth to campus again soon.

Custom field trips
Custom field trips Custom field trips invite school groups and youth organizations to campus to try their hand at an engineering challenge, tour a research laboratory, learn about the college experience from our undergraduates, and more. Annually, most field trips are scheduled for the Spring semester.
Of the 25 field trip requests, 15 trips were scheduled and 6 were completed before the COVID-19 shutdown.
Of the completed field trips:
216 students attended CSE field trips, including:
Most requested field trip activities:
- Hands-on activities
- Lab tours
Students were in 4-12th grade groups, including:
CSE units that hosted at least one field trip group included BBE, CEGE, ESci, MnDRIVE Robotics, MN Nano Center, and SWE
Growth Opportunity: Increasing field trip programming
(estimated $10,000 for pilot year)
All field trips were from Minnesota, but none were from Minneapolis and St. Paul public schools.
- Hire school year outreach assistant
- Involve student groups in field trips (offer stipends for participating)
- Offer field trip bus reimbursement for schools meeting free/reduced lunch criteria

Supported Student Group Efforts:
“STEM is for U!”
- Student group led after school enrichment program
- 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Separate STEM Outreach Coalition (CLP)
- 2019-2020 Absorbed into the Science and Engineering Student Board as their signature outreach program
eMentoring with BestPrep
- 2019-2020 Society of Women Engineers
Grant Activities
- Submitted “STEM Youth Scholars,” a NSF ITEST proposal (unsuccessful at this time)
- Saint Paul Public Schools and College of Education and Human Development co-PIs and partners
- Wrote 17 letters of collaboration/support