Saudi Arabian Parents' Perception of Online Marital Matchmaking technologies [talk]


The 23rd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) – October 20, 2020


Adel Al-Dawood (Ph.D. student), Serene Alhajhussein, Svetlana Yarosh (associate professor)


Finding a date or a spouse online is usually considered an individualistic endeavor in Western cultures. This presents a challenge for collectivist non-Western cultures such as Saudi Arabia where choosing a spouse is viewed as a union of two families with parents of both spouses being heavily involved. Our work aims to investigate how Saudi Arabian parents view the utilization of technology by their young adults to seek potential spouses online. We report our findings of interviews conducted with 16 Saudi Arabian parents (8 fathers, 6 mothers and 1 couple). We generate qualitative themes that provide insights about how parents wanted to preserve their values, integrate technology into the traditional process and protect their young adults from potential harms. These themes lead to implications for designing suitable marital matchmaking technologies in Saudi Arabia and opportunities for future work.

Link to full paper

Saudi Arabian Parents' Perception of Online Marital Matchmaking technologies


human computer interaction, social computing
