Department Head Mats Heimdahl Featured in Inside Higher Ed

Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering Mats Heimdahl was featured in an Inside Higher Ed article titled, "Are Two Disciplines Better Than One? The Push for Integrated Majors". Heimdahl spoke with Johanna Alonso about the department's plans to develop an integrated major, as well as current efforts to increase the number of female computer science students. 

In the last 10 years, the CS&E has increased the number of female students from 15 percent to 25 percent thanks to the efforts of Maria Gini and Shana Watters. With an integrated degree program, Heimdahl hopes to continue increasing diversity within the major. 

“We’ve been trying to make it attractive and reach out [to female students],” he said. “But it seems like a better model—rather than bring people to computing, bring computing to where people are.” 

Read the full article on the Inside Higher Ed website.

