Phil Barry Earns UMN Provost’s Unit Service Award
“This really is an award for the entire department, and that is what I am happiest about,” Barry said. “As Associate Head of Instruction, my job is supported by so many people. It really is an acknowledgement that there are extraordinary things going on in our department as we manage large numbers of students and expand the department to bring in new people.”
For over 25 years, Barry has been intimately involved in the curriculum development, course scheduling, and teaching assignments in the department. He is currently wrapping up a term as the Department’s Associate Head of Instruction and was the Director of Undergraduate Studies from 2004-06. He has also served on numerous committees regarding the curriculum of the Department, such as the special committee for curricular revision and ethics in the curriculum, and has been active in teacher and TA training, as well as in helping grow the number of instructors in the department.
Computer science education has experienced unprecedented growth since the early 2000s. CS&E credit hours at the U of M have more than tripled since 2005, which has made scheduling a complex job. As the department continues to grow, Barry has spent more time focusing on adding capacity while maintaining a good learning environment.
“There is always more to do in this role and there is never an optimal solution,” said Barry. “We are constantly balancing different concerns. There are many interesting problems that come up and it is very different from the types of technical problems we deal with in computer science.”
Established in 2023, the U of M instituted the Award for Excellence in Academic Unit Service to recognize faculty for exceptional service that has strengthened the functioning and climate of the local unit or department. From those nominated for the Award for Excellence in Academic Unit Service, seven were chosen for higher-level awards. These awards, the Provost’s Unit Service Award and the University of Minnesota Unit Service Award, serve to emphasize and elevate the importance of this type of service to the University’s success.
“Shana Watters won this award last year,” said Barry. “It would be great to see a streak of people from our department win this award so we can keep improving our processes and moving forward as we navigate our enrollment challenges.”