2024 AGU Presentations

December 9th

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; EP13B; Board 1345; Andy Wickert; Meltwater floods and isostatic adjustment shaped the Upper Mississippi Valley 

December 10th

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; MR23A; Board 3244; Kristina Okamoto; Dislocation density as a control on the frictional strength of fault gouge

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; DI23B; Board 3186; Lindsey Kenyon; Evaluating model-predicted SWS using local S-wave splitting observations in NE Japan

3:05 - 3:16 PM Talk; GP23A; Room 202 B; Rashida Doctor; Evidence of a late Pleistocene sea-level highstand from an iron-rich layer in a Bahamian flowstone

3:10 - 3:25 PM Talk; PP23E; Room 101; Leandro Domingos Luz; High-resolution μ-XRF records of Common Era environmental and limnological change from central Lake Tanganyika, eastern Africa

December 11th

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; GP31A; Board 3393; Diego Alberto Osorio-Afanador; Building a Site-Based North America Mesozoic Apparent Polar Wander Path to Address Long-Standing Questions in Jurassic Paleogeography

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; PP31D; Board 0538; Naomi Schulberg; Dendroclimatology Potential of Thuja occidentalis in the Upper Midwest 

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; H31J; Board 0720; Alejandro Fernandez; Extreme precipitation Depth-Duration-Frequency curves for the state of Minnesota based on dynamically downscaled climate model projections

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; GP31B; Board 3404; Mikala Hammer; Mineral magnetism of the Aroostook County, Maine, northern sub-district Fe-Mn ore deposits: impact on aeromagnetic anomaly expression

December 12th

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; NS41B; Board 1148; Viven Sharma; Fast and efficient single instance subsurface image denoising using deep learning

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session;T41D; Board 3270; Maximiliano Bezada; internal structure of the Wyoming Craton lithosphere from geophysical imaging and its relationship to surface deformation

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; GP41C; Board 3545; Nick Swanson-Hysell;  RockmagPy: Advanced Tools for Rock Magnetic Data Analysis

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; T41D; Board 3268; Rebeca Oliveira; Heterogeneity in the Lithosphere of the Superior Craton as Evidenced by Teleseismic P-wave Tomography

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; SY41F; Board 3623; Arianna GreggLake Ice Dynamics and the Impact on Psiη/Manoomin (wild rice in Dakota/Ojibwe languages) 

11:40 - 11:50 AM Talk; B42B; Room 150 A; Nicole Coffey; Unique polar iron-binding ligands released from Antarctic sea ice in the Amundsen Sea 

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; GP43D; Board 3588; Josh Feinberg; Thermal First Order Reversal Curves for Natural Materials

December 13th

8:30 AM - 12:20 PM Poster Session; IN51F; Board 2430; Cole Kelleher; FRIDGE: Empowering Polar Research with Dynamic Access to High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Digital Elevation Models

11:28 - 11:39 AM Talk; T520A-07; Room 207 B; Viven Sharma; forearc stresses from geophysical observations and numerical models

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; H531; Board 1206; Shauna Capron; Controls on dynamic surface and groundwater levels and their relation to water quality in Wild Rice (Manoomin/Psíŋ) lakes in the Otter Tail River watershed, Minnesota

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; H53L; Board 1252; Weipeng Yang; Effects of Surface Wettability on mixing-induced mineral precipitation and clogging in pore to network-scale flows

1:40 - 5:30 PM Poster Session; T53C; Board 3247; Jeremiah McElwee; Effects of Reaction Softening on Reaction-Induced Fracture during Serpentinization of the Forearc Mantle Wedge Corner

5:10 - 5:20 PM Talk; T54A-08; Room 207 B; Zhengyang Zhou; Lateral Variations in Teleseismic Attenuation of Alaska Continent 



