ISyE Seminar Series: Jamol Pender


Jamol Pender

"Queues with Delayed Information"

Presentation by Professor Jamol Pender
Operations Research and Information Engineering
Cornell University

Wednesday, December 9
3:30-5:00 PM CST — Graduate Seminar and Reception (Zoom)

About the seminar:

Many service systems provide queue length information to customers thereby allowing customers to choose among many options of service. However, queue length information is often delayed and is often not provided in real time. Recent work by many authors explores the impact of these delays in an empirical study in U.S. hospitals and amusement parks. In this talk, we develop a delayed information queueing model and show that it can be approximated by delay differential equations in the fluid regime as a functional law of large numbers limit of a stochastic queueing process.  We also derive a closed form expression for determining when oscillations will be generated by delayed information.   Our analysis provides new insight on how delayed information can produce unexpected system dynamics. 


Jamol Pender is an Assistant Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University.  He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2013 where he was advised by Dr. William Massey.  He joined Cornell University in 2015, and serves as a Faculty Fellow in the Residence Halls at Cornell.  Jamol is a recipient of a Ford Foundation Fellowship, the NSF CAREER award, MIF Career Award, and several teaching and advising awards, including the Sonny Yau award for teaching excellence and the Zellman Warhaft Commitment to Diversity Award.  Jamol's research focuses on how to disseminate information to customers in queues and how this information affects the underlying dynamics in queues.  He is very interested in the interplay between stochastic processes, simulation, and non-linear dynamics.  Jamol is heavily involved in the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS, where he served as the INFORMS APS 2019 conference co-chair.  

Seminar Video:

Start date
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020, 3:30 p.m.
End date
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020, 5 p.m.

