Of the 17 known fundamental particles, I study the three neutrinos, which are tiny, but extremely numerous throughout the universe. My focuses have been on creating neutrino beams and understanding how they interact with matter.
More recently I've started helping build the Mu2e detector which will look for the bizarre transition of one fundamental particle (the muon) into another fundamental particle (the electron) without any mediating neutrinos.
Research Groups
MINERvA Experiment (Fermilab)
Mu2e Experiment (Fermilab)
Bowdoin College
University of Pittsburgh
Publications & Awards
Selected Publications
Comparisons and Challenges of Modern Neutrino Scattering Experiments (10.1016/j.physrep.2018.08.003)
Cross sections for neutrino and antineutrino induced pion production on hydrocarbon in the few-GeV region using MINERvA (10.1103/PhysRevD.94.052005)
Neutrino Flux Predictions for the NuMI Beam (10.1103/PhysRevD.94.092005)