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2024 Huber Award Winners Maziar Zamanpour and Tianyi Li
Awards and Honors, Department News, Student Activities, Transportation engineering

Matthew J. Huber Student Award


Two U of M graduate students win Matthew J. Huber Student Awards. Maziar Zamanpour, a master's student in civil engineering, and Tianyi Li, a doctoral candidate in transportation engineering.

Department News, Research, Transportation engineering

Focused on the Road Ahead


Ever wonder what would happen if someone hacked your smart car? Raphael Stern is part of a group of researchers helping prepare cities for automated vehicles and the problems they might bring. Stern’s focus is cybersecurity.

Raphael Stern with Benjamin Rosenblad standing in the Charles Fairhurst Rotunda
Awards and Honors, Department News, Profiles, Research, Transportation engineering

The next generation of transportation engineers: Ben Rosenblad


Starting at the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering, Benjamin Rosenblad (BCE 2023) was not even aware that transportation was a specialty within Civil Engineering. Four years later, he found himself heading off to graduate school to study Next Generation Transportation Systems with the benefit of a competitive and highly prestigious fellowship from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP). 

Raphael Stern
Transportation engineering

CAVs are coming; $15 mil will ease the transition


Assistant Professor Raphael Stern is part of the team of researchers awarded $15 million by the U.S. Department of Transportation to help lead the transition to connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). Led by the University of Michigan, the team includes UMN’s Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) and will leverage the experience of the MnCAV Ecosystem, drawing on UMN’s unique strengths to conduct transportation research concerning equity, public perception and trust, the connected environment, vulnerable road users, and cold weather conditions.

Department News, Profiles, Transportation engineering

Student Leaders Take on Multiple Roles


The largest professional engineering group for CEGE students is the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter. The group offers fun, connection, knowledge, competition, study help, and exposure to engineering professionals and companies. The students who step up to lead this dynamic group are themselves dynamic. This year the President of the University of Minnesota Student Chapter of ASCE is Anthony (AJ) Tabura, and Chandler Lallak serves as the Vice President.

Shian Wang on the ski slopes
Awards and Honors, Student Activities, Transportation engineering

​​​​​​​Shi'an Wang researches Planning, Operation, and Management of Automated Transportation Systems


​​​​​​​Shi'an Wang, a Ph.D. student advised by Michael Levin, defended his doctoral research on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. Wang will join the faculty at the University of Texas at El Paso in the spring of 2023 at the rank of Assistant Professor.

John Hourdos in the MTO Office
Department News, Research, Transportation engineering

A transportation engineer travels to the medical school


If you want to get the attention of an engineer, all you need to say is, “I think this could work better…” John Hourdos, a transportation engineer by training, embraces that engineering mindset.
When confronted by something that is not working, he says, “Let’s fix it!”