Five Questions: Morgan Conley

Graduation season is here at last! We decided to ask TLI students how they're feeling about the program as things are finally winding down. They had a lot to say. Our next graduate is Morgan Conley, MOT class of '24, who was kind enough to answer five questions about the nearly-completed program.

1. What made you decide on TLI for your graduate program?
With an engineering background, I wanted a graduate program that would strengthen my business acumen while capitalizing on my technical expertise. The Management of Technology (MOT) program at TLI bridged the gap between technology and business with a focus on leadership that perfectly aligned with my career goals.
2. What class / instructor has had the biggest impact on you, and why?
Kendell Poch's finance courses had a major impact on me. Coming from a technical background, the financial side of business was unfamiliar territory. Kendell's clear explanations and real-world examples significantly increased my understanding and fostered a newfound appreciation for this critical business aspect. These insights proved so valuable that I chose a capstone project related to my company's financial planning process.
3. Tell us about a class / guest lecturer / TLI experience you still think about a lot.
Randy Ross' leadership courses remain some of the most relevant learning experiences I've had during my time at TLI. Concepts like change management, strategic leadership, and team building – all applicable across various workplace scenarios – were the core focus and I constantly find myself using the tools and frameworks he presented to navigate real-world situations at work.

4. What was most surprising to you about TLI's program? 
My classmates truly made the program. Their talent, diverse backgrounds, and drive sparked lively discussions that enriched the lectures. We constantly challenged each other, expanding our knowledge well beyond the course material.
5. What are some of the meaningful connections you gained as part of the TLI experience?
TLI connected me with a network of professionals who share my passion for technology and leadership. I see these connections with my classmates and instructors as invaluable resources for the future.
