Sally Gregory Kohlstedt
Professor, Earth Sciences
375-02 John T. Tate Hall
116 Church Street Se
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Sally Gregory Kohlstedt
Professor, Earth Sciences
My research and teaching focus on the ways in which science intersects in reciprocal ways with its cultural context. I previously taught at Simmons College, Syracuse University, and held visiting appointments at Cornell, Harvard, Ludwig Maximillian University (Munich), University of Melbourne, and the University of Auckland. My interest in women and gender issues led me to chair women’s committees in the History of Science Society and the Organization of American Historians as well the Feminist Studies Program at Minnesota. Among other offices, I have been President of the History of Science Society (hssonline.org) and served on the Board of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (aaas.org). My research investigates early development of scientific institutions, the ways in which self-described amateurs (perhaps today’s citizen scientists) participate in science, the role of women in science, the activities of museums as they reflect and teach science, the gendered ways science often operates, and the integration of science into school curricula (sallygregorykohlstedt.com).