Donor stories
Philanthropy plays a major role in helping the College of Science and Engineering fulfill its mission. Through their generosity, donors have established scholarships for promising students, endowed faculty positions, helped to build new facilities and renovate old ones.
$10 million in private support will fund new robotics labs

Robotics research at the University of Minnesota received a big boost, thanks to $10 million in private support to the University’s College of Science and Engineering. Read more about funding a new robotics lab.
Innovation and collaboration in the land of 10,000 Makes

With financial support from Target Corporation and nearly 250 pounds of materials donated from the University’s ReUse Program, CSE students presented innovative ideas in the 10,000 Makes Makeathon. Read more about the land of 10,000 Makes.
3M supports CSE with diversity scholarships

Increasing the number of students from underrepresented groups has been a goal of the College of Science and Engineering for many years. Now 3M is supporting that initiative. Read more about 3M diversity scholarships.
Donors support CSE and the U on Give to the Max Day

CSE alumni and friends showed support for the college by giving nearly $36,000 on Give to the Max Day, including Ronald L. (ME ’72) and Janet A. Christenson who donated a $10,000 matching gift to get CSE’s giving marathon off to a good start. Read more about donor support on Give to the Max Day.
Future gift empowers students, shapes lives

When Jesse Kasim, a senior in biomedical engineering at the U of M, spoke at the University of Minnesota Foundation’s annual Heritage Society dinner, he wanted to thank a special donor he will never know. Read Jesse Kasim's story.
Jeffrey Dean and Heidi Hopper establish scholarship to honor professor Vipin Kumar

Jeffrey Dean (CSci '90) and his wife established a scholarship to honor a former professor who introduced him to the wonder of parallel computation and large-scale computing. Read more about the Hopper-Dean Scholarship Honoring Dr. Vipin Kuma.
PTC provides major support for CSE programs and students
PTC, one of the world's largest and fastest growing software companies, is a major supporter of CSE's innovation and entrepreneurship. Read more about the major support received from PTC.
Alumnus believes in value of education
Acknowledging that his college education served him better than he could have ever imagined, Robert Hartmann (EE ’65) now gives back to the college that helped to launch his success. Read more about Robert Hartmann's gifts.