Collegiate Life

Important Note:

For questions regarding any of the services provided by CSE Collegiate Life, please email any professional staff member individually. A staff directory is available on the Collegiate Life webpage. If you still aren't sure who to contact, email and your question will be directed to the appropriate person.

Collegiate Life services include the Diversity and Inclusion program, Women in Science and Engineering program, K-12 Outreach, Scholarships, Student Engagement, and student group activities.

Appointments with Collegiate Life staff are available virtually or in person. Please reach out to the individual staff member to request an appointment.

Diversity and inclusion programs

Connect with programs for underrepresented minority students to access opportunities including the North Star STEM Alliance, tutoring, research, internships, scholarships, and multicultural student groups. Learn more about diversity programs.

Leadership programs and development

Experience a wide variety of leadership opportunities through real-world leadership training and experience through the University's Leadership Education and Development - Undergraduate Programs (LEAD-UP). Gain real world analytical, reflective, interpersonal, and leadership skills through public engagement and outreach in the Community Engagement Scholars Program.

Learn abroad

Gain an international perspective through CSE Global Seminars, freshmen global seminars, exchange programs, or international service and research. Learn more about learn abroad opportunities.

Living Learning Communities

Apply to be part of a Living Learning Community and live with students who share your interests in science and engineering. Learn more about Living Learning Communities.

Mentor programs

Network with industry professionals in your field or get advice from other students through mentor programs in the College of Science and Engineering. Learn more about mentor programs.

Programs for women

Make connections with women who share your interests in science and engineering through speakers, book discussions, community events, and women student groups. Learn more about programs for women.

Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) initiative

Discover resources, promote inclusion and diversity, and build and strengthen community among women in the college. Learn more about the WISE initiative.


Gain hands-on experience through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) or the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Learn more about undergraduate research opportunities.


Discover scholarship opportunities available through the College of Science and Engineering. Learn more about scholarships.

Student groups and leadership opportunities

Get involved in one of the College of Science and Engineering's 75+ student groups to develop leadership skills, expand your network on campus, and build your resume. Learn more about student groups.

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer with the College of Science and Engineering's K-12 outreach programs and inspire future engineers and scientists. Learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Student Services in the College of Science and Engineering  (Academic Advising, Career Center and Collegiate Life) are committed to creating and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive community of learning and scholarship by generating and maintaining support systems for all persons to thrive, especially those individuals and groups highlighted by the University of Minnesota’s Office of Equity and Diversity.

Diversity is embraced and recognized as enrichment to the overall educational experience. We strive to ensure that students, especially those from groups traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering, have the opportunity to realize their aspirations while also valuing their contributions to the daily life of the College of Science and Engineering.