a measuring device with a space rainbow and then a women with her insides shown

Spring 2025 colloquium schedule now available!

Program in History of Science, Technology and Medicine

The Program in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (HSTM) integrates faculty and students from several departments and programs at the University of Minnesota. Each faculty member has a joint appointment in a department in the College of Science and Engineering, the Medical School, or the College of Biological Sciences, and many have graduate appointments in other departments as well, ensuring close association with other related fields. We have strong ties with the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, the Department of History, and the science and engineering departments where the faculty hold tenure. These university and departmental connections are a major source of intellectual stimulation and support for both faculty and graduate students. We also sponsor a weekly colloquium and periodic symposia, bringing scholars from all over the world to the university. 

Our program encourages a diversity of methodological approaches, viewpoints, people, and practices in our research, teaching, outreach, and service. We are committed to promoting the success of all students and scholars, including BIPOC and international students and scholars; actively engaging in anti-racism work; supporting accessibility for all; and working together to create deeper, richer, and more inclusive histories of science, technology and medicine. Ongoing programmatic activities seeking to uphold these commitments are posted throughout this website. 

The Program has a research center, the Charles Babbage Institute for Computing, Information and Culture.

You can see all of the ways to support the Program in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine's graduate program on our Giving Page.

Department News