Funding Opportunities

Call for Proposals: Climate Change AI Innovation Grants 2024

Quick facts

  • Grant amount: Up to USD 150K per proposal, for projects of 12 months in duration. We will award a total of up to USD 1.4M in grants across all projects.
  • Scope: Projects at the intersection of AI/machine learning and climate change.
  • Eligibility: Principal Investigator must be affiliated with an accredited university in one of the 38 OECD Member Countries (see list here). Co-Investigators can be located outside OECD Member countries and can be affiliated with non-research institutions, and there is no limit on the fraction of funding allocated to Co-Investigators.
  • Proposal submission deadline: September 15, 2024 at 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth time, UTC-12)
  • Contact:

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