D&I Alliance: Resources

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety refers to shared beliefs held by members of a team that it’s safe to take risks; openly express their ideas, concerns, and divergent opinions; speak up with questions; share bad news or concerns and to admit mistakes—all without fear of negative consequences. It is not about complaining or arguing, but instead promotes positive interpersonal interactions within the group or team.

Learn more about psychological safety and available tools and resources. 

D&I Moments

D&I Moments are one- to three-minute conversations about DEI topics that happen at the beginning of meetings, classes, and other college gatherings. D&I Moments are intended to help us normalize DEI conversations; spark curiosity and conversation; and learn and grow as scientists, engineers, and allies. Everyone contributes a D&I Moment to share with their group at one time or another.

Learn more about D&I Moments

Calendar of diverse religious holidays and cultural observances 

The Office for Equity and Diversity (OED) publishes a calendar of diverse religious and cultural observances that occur throughout the year. View the list and calendar of diverse religious and cultural observances.

In addition to celebrating cultural holidays and observances, the
Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA)) encourages students, staff, and faculty to consult the calendar before scheduling events or exams.

You can also
add the OED calendar to your own Google Calender.

Diversity Community of Practice (DCoP) reading list

Members of the University's Diversity Community of Practice (DCoP) have curated a DEI reading list of recommended books, presentations, videos, and other resources intended to help build community and encourage conversation around shared interests. 

A few ways to make use of this list include:

  1. Invite individual folks or create a group to read with you by adding your name to the "Read with me?" column
  2. Endorse a book by leaving your brief review and impressions in the "Endorsed by" column. Connect with others who have endorsed the same book and meet to discuss it.
  3. Add what you've been reading, watching, listening to, or appreciating to the list and find other like-minded enthusiasts.

View the DCoP "What We're Reading" list

Minnesota Alumni Market features BIPOC-owned businesses

Check out the list of BIPOC UMN alumni-owned businesses and services in the Minnesota Alumni Market.

Planning inclusive events

Planning Inclusive Events Guide (PDF) — Courtesy-University of Minnesota Foundation

Decreasing DFW Rates and Increasing Persistence-Cool Ideas presentation

View the recording and slide presentation of the Cool Ideas presentation of "Decreasing DFW Rates and Increasing Persistence," by Professor Maria Gini. Learn how the Department of Computer Science has reduced the drop, fail, and withdraw (DFW) rates in it's introductory classes from upwards of 40 percent to approximately 10 percent over the past fews years and effectively retained these students in subsequent years.  

Decreasing DFW Rates and Increasing Persistence video presentation (captioned)
Decreasing DFW Rates and Increasing Persistence slides

Campus resources

CSE Collegiate Life's Diversity and Inclusion Opportunities for Students provides connections, events, support, and resources for CSE students, in particular individuals and groups highlighted by the University of Minnesota’s Office of Equity and Diversity and who traditionally are underrepresented in science and engineering.

The University's Office for Equity and Diversity (OED) offers a number of programs and initiatives including a respectful campus climate of access and inclusion for all community members; equitable and collaborative opportunities; and education that reflects diverse ways of knowing, being and experiencing the world.

The OED certificate program helps participants develop tools necessary for advancing equity and diversity in all aspects of their personal and professional lives. It’s free of charge and open to students, faculty, staff, and alumni on all campuses of the University of Minnesota.

Accessible U provides a support resource to help the University community cultivate more inclusivedigitally accessibleexperiences on course sites, websites, Zoom meetings, documents, presentations, applications, etc. Customized accessibility training, as well as a Digital Accessibility Badging Program  are available to the University community.

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) partners with students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University to facilitate accessibility and reduce barriers on campus to improve access for disabled people. 

The Safe Campus mental health website provides mental health information and resources for students and their parents, and for faculty and staff. Learn more: President's Initiative for Student Mental Health (PRISMH)

Reporting resources

Bias Response Referral Network (BRRN)

The Aurora Center for Advocacy and Education

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

Office for Conflict Resolution