Minnesota Symposium on Addiction Neuroscience

Registration Required

We invite you to attend the Minnesota Symposium on Addiction Neuroscience, to be held in Minneapolis on September 12th, 2019. The symposium is sponsored by the University of Minnesota's Medical Discovery Team on Addiction.

The day-long conference will bring together basic scientists, clinicians-scientists, and others to discuss the latest, most exciting brain science on addiction. The scientific program will feature plenary sessions, poster presentations, and a keynote speaker, Dr. Yasmin Hurd, Director at the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai Behavioral Health System. Presentations will emphasize how the neural circuits that control emotions, motivations, and decision-making are altered through addiction and recovery, with an eye towards how neurocircuit science might inform the creation of new, more effective therapies to treat addiction.

Looking forward to seeing you in September!


The Symposium Planning Committee: Mark Thomas, PhD (conference chair), Dori Henderson, PhD, Kelvin Lim, MD, Karrie Molitor, Patrick Rothwell, PhD, Sade Spencer, PhD

For more information, please go to:

Start date
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019, 9 a.m.
End date
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019, 4:30 p.m.
