MnRI Seminar: Mental Health and Well Being

Free Seminar

Meredith Martyr will be covering guidance on:

  • How to create a culture of awareness of ourselves and others in the mental health space? What are the words that we can use to foster a healthy environment where people feel; safe, valued, and supported? Words (as we know) matter, even if it is just an, "off the cuff comment."
  • Direction on how to have people become advocates for mental health and campions of practices that will bring about awareness and compassion.
  • Resources for students, staff, and faculty can utilize while at the U to either learn more about how to be supportive OR if they are in a crisis themselves. Also, talking about how to receive the information that someone is in need of support, or how to ask for it. What language is used on both ends?

Enter the virtual Zoom meeting

Start date
Friday, March 26, 2021, 2:30 p.m.

