MnRI Seminar: Visual Recognition Beyond Appearances, and its Robotic Applications

Free Seminar

Dr. Yezhou Yang (Arizona State University)

The goal of Computer Vision, as coined by Marr, is to develop algorithms to answer the what, where, and when from visual appearance. The speaker, among others, recognizes the importance of studying underlying entities and relations beyond visual appearance, following an Active Perception paradigm.

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This talk will present the speaker's efforts over the last decade, ranging from reasoning beyond appearance for visual question answering, image understanding, and video captioning tasks, through temporal and self-supervised knowledge distillation with incremental knowledge transfer, until their roles in a robotic visual learning framework via a Robotic Indoor Object Search task. The talk will also feature the Active Perception Group (APG)’s ongoing projects (NSF RI, NRI and CPS, DARPA KAIROS, and Arizona IAM) addressing emerging challenges of the nation in autonomous driving, AI security, and healthcare domains at the ASU School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE).

Start date
Friday, March 19, 2021, 2:30 p.m.

