Twin Cities Startup Week: Exponential Medicine Workshop

On Monday, Oct. 14 for Twin Cities Startup Week, we are hosting a FREE panel and workshop on Exponential Medicine with three leading MN health startups: 

Recombinetics - Mark Platt

Stemonix - Ryan Gordon 

Miromatrix - Thomas Gilbert

Invitation for CSE faculty, staff and students. 

These top local companies, which use exponential tech, will be speaking about their companies, the tech, their impact, and the future and potential of all of those things. From 3-4 pm, The Exponential Medicine Moonshot Workshop will feature two SU-MSP leaders, Ryan Weber of Great North Labs VC and Nick Tietz of ILT Studios. 

Consider coming early. Lunch will be provided at noon for those who register, and from 1-1:30 pm, Mark Ritchie, President of Global Minnesota and Pres./CEO of Expo 2027, will be talking about Minnesota's World's Fair bid that is focused on Health and Wellness. 

Here is more info and registration: 

Thanks - Mo (Maureen) Schriner, team leader for MSP-SU Chapter 

Start date
Monday, Oct. 14, 2019, 3 p.m.

Twin Cities
