Honors and Awards - 2016
December 2016
Assistant professor Brenda Ogle (biomedical engineering) was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s College of Fellows for her novel approaches in using stem cells for cardiovascular repair.
Graduate student Craig Van Bruggen (chemistry) received a Frieda Martha Kunze Fellowship for his outstanding academic achievements and professional career potential.
Professor Sachin Spatnekar (electrical and computer engineering) was named a 2016 ACM Fellow for his efforts in the enhancement of performance in integrated circuits and his research regarding computer-aided design (CAD).
Professor Francis Kulacki (mechanical engineering) received the Edwin F. Church Medal for his exemplary achievements in mechanical engineering education and service.
Professor Claudia Scarlata (physics and astronomy) was chosen to become a member of the Executive Committee of the National Aeruonautics and Space Administration (NASA) Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group (COPAG).
November 2016
Associate professor Paul Dauenahuer (chemical engineering) was chosen to receive a 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award in recognition of his accomplishments in the fields of analytical chemistry.
October 2016
Vipin Kumar (computer science and engineering) received the 2016 IEEE Computer Society Sidney Fernbach Award for foundational work on understanding scalability, and highly scalable algorithms for graph partitioning, sparse linear systems, and data mining.
Professor Erin Carlson (chemistry) was chosen to receive a 2017 Rising Star Award from the American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee (WCC) in recognition of her potential in her field and her various accomplishments as researcher and educator.
Professor Chad Myers (computer science and engineering) and his research team received the Breast Cancer Challenge Award from the National Cancer Institute in recognition of their innovative computational methods to determining genetic variants in breast cancer patients.
Professor Ned Mohan (electrical and computer engineering) was selected to be an Institute on the Environment (IonE) Fellow for his intended work on sustainability instruction and curriculum development.
Professors Natalia Perkins, Clement Pryke, and John Wygant (physics) were named Fellows of the American Physical Society to continue research in their respective fields.
September 2016
Theresa Reineke (chemistry) received the prestigious 2017 Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award from the American Chemical Society (ACS), Division of Polymer Chemistry. This award recognizes accomplishments and innovations of unusual merit in the field of basic or applied polymer science by individuals younger than 45.
Ph.D. candidate Brittany Forkus (chemical engineering) received an Institute for Engineering in Medicine (IEM) Walter Barnes Lang Fellowship for her research on probiotic bacteria and its use in pathogen reduction in poultry.
Assistant professor Bharat Jalan (materials science) received the 2016 Young Investigator MBE Award at the International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy in Montpellier, France for his work on metal-organic molecular beam epitaxy.
Assistant professor Benjamin Hackel (chemical engineering) was awarded a 2016 Faculty Career Development Award in recognition of his formation of a nationally recognized research program that focuses on engineering, chemistry, and medicine.
Professor William Pomerantz (chemistry) was named a 2016 Rising Star in Chemical Biology by the International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) for his work in the field of epigenetics.
August 2016
Lawrence Que Jr. (chemistry) will receive the 2017 American Chemical Society Award in Inorganic Chemistry, recognized for his many contributions to the field of inorganic chemistry that have profoundly impacted the understanding of the nature and reactivity of high-valent iron centers.
William Tolman (chemistry) will receive the 2017 ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry, honored for his research accomplishments, excellent teaching and mentorship of students and post-doctoral researchers, and outstanding leadership and service in the inorganic chemistry community.
Thomas Hoye (chemistry) will receive a 2017 American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, recognized for his excellence in organic chemistry. He will be honored at a day-long Cope Symposium at the fall 2017 ACS National Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Jiali Gao (chemistry) has been elected to one of quantum science’s most exclusive academic societies, the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS) in Menton, France. He is the second University of Minnesota Department of Chemistry faculty inducted to the IAQMS since his colleague Regents Professor Donald G. Truhlar first became a member in 2006.
Theresa Reineke (chemistry) received the Sara Evans Woman Faculty Scholar/Leader Award, awarded to women faculty at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities who have achieved significant national and international accomplishments and honors and who contribute as leaders on campus.
Misha Shifman (physics and astronomy) and Arkady Vainshtein (physics and astronomy) are two of the three recipients of the 2016 Dirac Medal and Prize for their collaborative work in quantum field theories.
Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos (computer science and engineering) was awarded a McKnight Presidential Professorship, that recognizes critical importance of the University's most distinguished faculty.
Senior Research Associate Zeeshan Syedain (biomedical engineering) received the 016 Minnesota Regenerative Medicine Biobusiness award for his work on bioreactors and stem cells that will solve numerous problems in the world of regenerative technology.
Assistant professor Xiang Cheng (physics) was awarded a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award (YFA) to support his research on the emergent flows of active liquids.
Professor Chris Kim (electrical and computer engineering) received the 2016 Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Technical Excellence Award for his efforts in the invention of compact sensors involved in measuring circuit aging effects.
Professor Kai-Wen Lan was awarded the 2016 Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics for his excellent achievements in the theory of arithmetic compactification.
July 2016
James Kakalios (physics and astronomy) has won the 2016 Andrew Gemant Award, an annual prize recognizing significant contributions to the cultural, artistic or humanistic dimension of physics, presented by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
Paige Novak (chemistry) has been named the Joseph T. and Rose S. Ling Chair in Environmental Engineering. Gary Davis (civil, environmental, and geo- engineering) has been named the Richard P. Braun/CTS Chair in Transportation Engineering. Both will hold the named chairs through June 30, 2021.
Raymond Hozalski (civil, environmental, and geo- engineering) has been invited to serve on the United States Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board’s Drinking Water Committee. Hozalski was selected for his expertise in environmental and chemical engineering, and biological treatment processes for drinking water.
Peter Bruggeman (mechanical engineering) was awarded the prestigious Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Early Career Award. Bruggeman is one of only 27 winners from universities across the U.S. to receive significant funding for research.
Tianhong Cui (mechanical engineering) was awarded the Outstanding Editor Award from Nature Publishing Group and Chinese Academy of Sciences. As an executive editor-in-chief, Professor Cui was the founder for two Nature journals: Microsystems & Nanoengineering and Light: Science & Applications.
June 2016
Professor Georgios Giannakis (electrical and computer engineering) has been awarded the McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair that acknowledges the critical contributions of important University faculty who have distinguished themselves and their departments in the missions of research, education and public engagement.
Professor Lee Penn (chemistry) has been awarded the 2016-17 Charlotte Striebel Equity Award, awarded to a U of M faculty or staff member who goes above and beyond daily responsibilities to promote access for the common good, to undo bias and discrimination, or to build capacity for diverse and equitable campus communities.
Professor Bin He (biomedical engineering) received the 2017 IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award for his work in the fields of neuroengineering and neuroimaging.
Assistant professor Brenda Ogle (biomedical engineering) was named a recipient of the 2016 Mullen-Spector-Truax Women’s Leadership Award for her excellent work in women’s leadership development.
Graduate student Mansi Shah (chemical engineering) received a 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award for her research in chemical engineering separation processes.
Associate professor Andre Mkhoyan (physics) received an award through the Research Infrastructure Investment Program for his proposal regarding combined focus ion beams and scanning electron microscope systems.
Asssitant professor Cari Dutcher received the Doctoral New Investigator Award from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for her proposal regarding polyelectrolytes and their application to improving oil production.
May 2016
Heinz Stefan (civil, environmental, and geo- engineering) has been named as an American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Distinguished Member, honoring his pioneering work linking environmental considerations and hydraulics. His work launched the field of environmental hydraulics. The title of Distinguished Member is the highest honor bestowed by ASCE. Fewer than 700 people have received this honor in the entire history of ASCE..
CSE students Anna Burneske (industrial and systems engineering [junior]), Amanda Dahl (biomedical engineering), Alyssa McKenna (materials science [graduate student]), Jackson Baril (chemical engineering), and Luis Torrealba (chemical engineering) were awarded the President’s Student Leadership and Service Award that honors the accomplishments of outstanding students and their invaluable leadership and service contributions to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and the community.
CSE student group Society of Women Engineers received the Tony Diggs Excellence Award that recognizes student group achievements.
Undergraduate senior Amanda Dahl (biomedical engineering) was awarded the President’s Student Leadership and Service Award for her exemplary leadership and service contributed to both the University and the Twin Cities community.
Professor Laura Gagliardi (chemistry) received the Bourke Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry in recognition of her work in quantum chemistry, specifically focused on catalysis, gas separation, and excited state phenomena.
April 2016
Regents Professor Timothy P. Lodge (chemistry) has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation’s most prestigious honor societies. Members include the world’s most accomplished scholars, scientists, writers, artists, as well as civic, business, and philanthropic leaders.
Professor Michel Janssen (history of science and technology) has received a Humboldt Research Award in recognition of lifetime achievements in research.
Assistant professor Vivian Ferry (chemical engineering and materials science) received a five-year grant through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early CAREER Development Program.
Professor David Blank (chemistry) has been awarded the 2016 University of Minnesota President’s Award for Outstanding Service, in recognition of his many years of exceptional service to the department, the College of Science and Engineering, and the University.
James Mullin (St. Anthony Falls Laboratory) has been awarded the 2016 University of Minnesota President’s Award for Outstanding Service, in recognition of his many years of exceptional service to the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, the College of Science and Engineering, and the University.
James McDonald (College of Science and Engineering) has been awarded the 2016 University of Minnesota President’s Award for Outstanding Service, in recognition of his many years of exceptional service to the College of Science and Engineering, and the University.
Professor David Pui and assistant professor Julianna Abel (chemistry) are part of a $317 million national initiative to develop 'smart' fabrics. The goal of this partnership, named Advanced Functional Fibers of America (AFFOA), is to accelerate innovation in high-tech industries.
Professor Sean Garrick (mechanical engineering) was selected as a 2017 Fulbright Scholar to study atmospheric aerosols and specifically the effects of turbulence on aerosol formation in the atmosphere.
Graduate students Samantha Ehrenberg, Gillian McDonald, and Trevor Stephens (mechanical engineering) were each awarded a 2016-17 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award that supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines.
Assistant professor Jiarong Hong (mechanical engineering) received an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award to support academic scientists and engineers who are in their first or second full-time tenure-track-equivalent academic appointment.
Assistant professor Will Northrop (mechanical engineering) won the Society of Automotive Engineers' (SAE) Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to SAE's engineering education initiatives.
Assistant professor Cari Dutcher (mechanical engineering) received a National Science Foundation Career Award in support of junior faculty who exemplify their role through the integration of education and research.
March 2016
Regents Professor Donald Truhlar (chemistry) has been awarded the prestigious 2016 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics. He is being honored for his outstanding work and accomplishments in dynamics, which span a broad range of theoretical and computational chemical physics.
Assistant professor Vivian Ferry (chemical engineering and materials science) received an Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator grant for her research in Tunable Chiroptical Response In Metamaterial-nanocrystal Hybrid Systems.
Assistant professor Bharat Jalan (chemical engineering and materials science) received an Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator grant for his research in Ultra High-Density Complex Oxide Quantum Wells for Emerging THz Plasmonic Effects and Devices.
Professor Arnd Scheel (mathematics) has been named a SIAM Fellow for contributions to applied dynamical systems and the study of pattern formation, and also received a Humboldt Research Award for achievements to academics.
February 2016
Assistant professor Rafael Fernandez (physics and astronomy) received a Cottrell Scholar award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, which recognizes early career faculty who are committed to excel at both teaching and research.
Assistant professor Will Pomerantz (chemistry) received a Cottrell Scholar award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, which recognizes early career faculty who are committed to excel at both teaching and research.
Associate professor Russell Holmes (chemical engineering and materials science) has received the 2016 Horace T. Morse-University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education.
Professor Douglas Ernie (electrical and computer engineering) has received the 2016 Horace T. Morse-University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education.
Professor Randall Victora (electrical & computer engineering) has received a 2016 award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate and Post-baccalaureate Education.
Professor Maria Gini (computer science and engineering) has received a 2016 award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate and Post-baccalaureate Education.
Professor William Arnold (civil, environmental, and geo- engineering) published a paper that was named a "top paper" of 2015 by the journal Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.
January 2016
Three CSE faculty were named McKnight Land-Grant professors, which recognizes the most promising junior faculty members who are at the beginning stages of their professional careers. They are: assistant professor Xiang Cheng (chemical engineering and materials science); assistant professor Jiarong Hong (mechanical engineering); and professor William C. K. Pomerantz (chemistry.)
Professor Efie Kokkoli (chemical engineering and materials science) was inducted into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows for outstanding contributions to the development of functionalized biomaterials.
Professor Theresa Reineke (chemistry) was inducted into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows for her outstanding and creative contributions to the design and discovery of synthetic polymers for drug and gene delivery.