UMN Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers recognized for excellence

June 12, 2017

The University of Minnesota chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) received the Outstanding Collegiate Section award at the SWE Region Conference this spring. This award, presented to only one chapter annually, honors a Collegiate Section that has been actively engaged on their campus, as well as on a regional and society level. It also recognizes chapters that design and implement a variety of programs that support SWE’s mission.

In addition to the group award, University of Minnesota SWE President Elia Zanella was recognized individually as the recipient of the Collegiate Emerging Leader Award. This award recognizes a SWE member’s academic excellence in pursuit of an engineering related degree, outstanding leadership, and engagement with SWE.

"We are driven to make sure everyone succeeds and is encouraged to follow their passions," said SWE’s president-elect, Kelsey Harper. "I moved here from Missouri and didn't know anyone on campus but I was immediately welcomed in SWE, and I'm trying to create that same feeling for all students.”

SWE plays an integral role in creating a supportive, inspiring environment for women engineers and scientists at the University of Minnesota. This year, SWE had 286 members who spent numerous hours doing community service, attending professional development events, volunteering at the Science Museum and in middle school classrooms, organizing prospective student events for the University, and more.

If you'd like to support University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering student groups like the Society of Women Engineers, visit our CSE Giving website.
