University of Minnesota Institute of Technology changing name to College of Science and Engineering
Change will more clearly describe unique combination of science and engineering disciplines
Contacts: Ryan Mathre, University News Service, (612) 625-0552, [email protected] Rhonda Zurn, Institute of Technology, (612) 626-7959, [email protected]
MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (12/11/2009) —The University of Minnesota Board of Regents has approved a name change for the University’s Institute of Technology to the College of Science and Engineering, effective July 1, 2010. The purpose of the change is to more clearly describe the unique combination of science and engineering disciplines within the college to prospective students and faculty, business partners and research-granting agencies. “The current college name of the Institute of Technology (with its acronym IT) has become increasingly problematic in terms of securing financial support and recognition for critical academic programs,