Faculty development leave guidelines
The College of Science and Engineering may grant faculty development leaves in accordance with the University’s Policy (as approved by the University of Minnesota Faculty Senate on November 7, 2019) and as provided in this document. CSE’s policy, as described below, is designed to provide faculty members an extended period of time to invest in their scholarship.
Leave guidelines
The following guidelines are effective for leaves taken during Academic Year 2022-2023 (requested during Academic Year 2021-2022).
- Sabbatical compensated at 50% of full salary for 2 consecutive semesters (or one semester) for 9 month appointments or up to 11 months for 12 month appointments, per University policy. Compensated at 50% of full salary. Eligibility after 6 years of service, per University policy.
- Sabbatical compensated at up to 100% of full salary for 1 semester. Compensated at up to 100% of full salary. Eligibility after 6 years of service, per University policy.
- Single Semester Leave. Compensated at 100% of full salary. Eligibility after 2 academic or annual years of service, per University policy. Reserved for Assistant Professors (probationary and contract).
Sabbaticals compensated at 50% of full salary
Sabbaticals compensated at 50% of full salary will generally be approved at the CSE level if supported by the Department Head. Proposals must specify the semesters during which the leave will take place and be pre-approved by Department Heads. If necessary, the Head will limit the number of 2-semester sabbaticals requested of the College in order to maintain Departmental teaching and service responsibilities. Faculty may supplement their salary (including fringe) up to (but not above) their regular full pay from Dean and Department Head-approved non-sponsored or appropriate sponsored accounts. Some supplemental salary funds, matched by departmental funds, may be offered by the CSE Dean’s office on a competitive basis, based on availability of funds.
Single-semester sabbaticals compensated at up to 100% of full salary
Single-semester sabbaticals compensated at up to 100% of full salary will typically be limited according to Department needs and instructional commitments. Proposals must specify the semester during which the leave will take place and be pre-approved by Department Heads. The Head will determine the number of proposals forwarded to the College, and provide a ranked list. Proposals will be ranked based on criteria that may include: length of time since previous sabbatical, merit of plan outlined in sabbatical proposal, strength of applicant’s record in previous 6 years, outcome of previous leaves, etc. Departments are responsible for developing a policy for ranking, compensation, and teaching release associated with sabbaticals that must be applied in a consistent way for all faculty and for developing a process to rank proposals. During a three-year phase-in period starting in 2020, the number of sabbaticals in this category will be limited each year to no more than 12% of CSE faculty above the rank of assistant professor. Managing the Department’s teaching commitments with approved Sabbaticals is the responsibility of the Head. Very limited collegiate resources will be available for funding replacement teaching.
Single semester leaves
Single Semester Leaves will be reserved for Assistant Professors only. They will be awarded on a competitive basis, and will be limited to approximately 4% of Assistant Professors in CSE in a given year. Proposals must specify the semester during which the leave will take place and be pre-approved by Department Heads. The quality of the proposals will be evaluated and, if necessary, ranked by the CSE Faculty Development Leave Committee in an advisory capacity. The final decision on awarding of leaves will be made by the CSE Dean.
Application and submission to CSE Dean’s Office
Faculty leave applications should include a detailed description of the proposed work to be accomplished during the leave, the start date of the leave, and the duration. Applications must first be submitted within Departments. In general, applications approved by Department Heads will be due in the CSE Dean’s office by May 1 of the year before the academic year of the requested and Departmentally-approved sabbatical. Applications should be accompanied by the ranked list of sabbatical proposals as well as a short description from the Department Head outlining the rationale used to determine the ranking as well as any special accommodations required to cover curricular impacts of faculty absences. (Additional applications not requesting supplemental support will be considered beyond May 1).
Applications will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to ensure that the Department has established a clear and equitable process in determining priorities and in sequencing leaves. Departments may establish or utilize advisory committees to recommend priorities and sequencing to the Head.
Post-leave reporting
Faculty members must file a summary report of the outcomes and impacts of the work done while on leave at the time of the first annual review after their return. This report must be shared with the Department Head, the Dean's office, and within the University’s faculty activity reporting system, per university policy. These reports will be referenced during future deliberations on competitive leave requests.