Research funding opportunities
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) maintains information about internal and extramural funding opportunities and resources for faculty grant writing and proposal preparation. Visit the OVPR website.
Certain opportunities, such as NSF MRIs and IGERTs, allow a limited number of submissions per institution. In these cases, an internal competition is first conducted to decide on the proposal that can move forward. Such solicitations and their internal and external requirements and deadlines can be found on the Extramural Coordinated Funding web page on the OVPR website.
The Corporate and Foundation Relations Office in the University of Minnesota Foundation created the Charitable Grant Resource Hub (University login required) to guide users through the entire process of applying for a grant from a private or corporate foundation, from identifying funding opportunities ($50,000+) to accessing funds. Key components of the website include a search grant opportunities page, guidelines to help determine if a grant will be philanthropic, and more.