Selected Publications

  1. A. Kohn-Luque, E. M. Myklebust, D. S. Tadele, M. Gilberto, J. Noory, E. Harivel, P. Arsenteva, S. Mumenthaler, F. Schjesvold, K. Tasken, J. Enserink, K. Leder, A. Frigessi, J. Foo. Phenotypic deconvolution in heterogeneous cell populations using drug screening data, Cell Reports Methods, 2023
  2. Bramante, C.T., J.D. Huling, C.J. Tignanelli, J.B. Buse, D.M. Liebovitz, J.M. Nicklas, K. Cohen, M.A. Puskarich, H.K. Belani, J.L. Proper, L.K. Siegel, N.R. Klatt, D.J. Odde, D.G. Luke, B. Anderson, A.B. Karger, N.E. Ingraham, K.M. Hartman, V. Rao, A.A. Hagen, B. Patel, S.L. Fenno, N. Avula, N.V. Reddy, S.M. Erickson, S. Lindberg, R. Fricton, S. Lee, A. Zaman, H.G. Saveraid, W.J. Tordsen, M.F. Pullen, M. Biros, N.E. Sherwood, J.L. Thompson, D.R. Boulware, and T.A. Murray, Randomized Trial of Metformin, Ivermectin, and Fluvoxamine for Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine, 2022. 387(7): p. 599-610. https://doi.org10.1056/NEJMoa2201662
  3. Isomursu, A., K.-Y. Park, J. Hou, B. Cheng, G. Shamsan, B. Fuller, J. Kasim, M.M. Mahmoodi, T.J. Lu, G.M. Genin, F. Xu, M. Lin, M. Distefano, J. Ivaska, and D.J. Odde, “Directed cell migration towards softer environments,” Nature Materials, 21, 1081–1090 (2022),
  4. Hemmat, M., and D.J., Odde, “Atomistic basis of microtubule dynamic instability assessed via multiscale modeling,” Ann Biomed Eng, 49, 1716-1734 (2021).
  5. Kim, S., Choung, S., Sun, R., Ung, N., Hashemi, N., Lau, R., Spiller, E., Gasho, J., Foo, J., Mumenthaler, S. Comparison of cell and organoid-level analysis of patient-derived 3D organoids to evaluate tumor cell growth dynamics and drug response. SLAS Discovery, Volume: 25 issue: 7, page(s): 744-754, April 2020.
  6. Gunnarsson, E., De, S., Leder, K., and Foo, J. Understanding the role of phenotypic switching in cancer drug resistance. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 490, 7 April 2020, 110162.
  7. Castle, B.T., D.J. Odde, and D.K. Wood, “Rapid kinetics of sickle hemoglobin self-assembly,” Science Advances, 13; 5(3):eeau1086 (2019).
  8. Storey K, Leder K, Hawkins-Daarud A, Swanson K, Ahmed A, Rockne R, Foo J. Glioblastoma recurrence and the role of MGMT methylation. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics. 2019 (3)p. 1-12.
  9. Klank, R.L., S.S. Rosenfeld, and D.J. Odde, “A Brownian dynamics tumor progression simulator with application to glioblastoma,” Convergent Science Physical Oncology, 4, pii: 015001. doi: 10.1088/2057-1739/aa9e6e (2018).
  10. Bangasser, B.L, G. Shamsan, C.E. Chan, K.N. Opoku, E. Tüzel, B.W. Schlichtmann, J.A. Kasim, B.J. Fuller, B.R. McCullough, S.S. Rosenfeld, and D.J. Odde, “Shifting the optimal stiffness for cell migration,” Nature Communications, 8:15313 (2017).
  11. Kaveh K, Takahashi Y, Farrar MA, Storme G, Guido M, Piepenburg J, Penning J, Foo J, Leder KZ, Hui SK. Combination therapeutics of Nilotinib and radiation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia as an effective method against drug-resistance. PLoS Computational Biology. 2017 Jul 6;13(7):e1005482.
  12. Klank, R.L., Decker Grunke, S.A., Bangasser, B.L., Forster, C.L., Price, M.A., Odde, T.J., SantaCruz, K.S., Rosenfeld,S.S., Canoll, P., Turley, E.A., McCarthy, J.B., Ohlfest, J.R., and D.J. Odde, “Biphasic Dependence of Glioma Survivaland Cell Migration on CD44 Expression Level,” Cell Reports, 18, 23-31 (2017).
  13. Lindsay, D., Foo, J. `Impact of tumor oxygenation on drug resistance evolution under hypoxia-activated prodrug therapy,' Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2017.
  14. Lindsay, D., Garvey, C., Mumenthaler, S., Foo, J. An evolutionary perspective on cancer treatment response. In: Ujvari B, Roche B, Thomas F, editors. Ecology and Evolution of Cancer. Academic Press; 2017 Feb 8.
  15. He, Q., Zhu, J., Dingli, D., Foo, J., Leder, K. `Optimized treatment schedules for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia,' PLoS Computational Biology (2016) Oct 20;12(10):e1005129
  16. Ryser, M., Lee, W., Ready, N., Leder, K., Foo, J. `Quantifying the Dynamics of Field Cancerization in HPV-Negative Head and Neck Cancer: A Multiscale Modeling Approach,' Cancer Research (2016) doi: 10.1158/0008- 5472.CAN-16-1054. 
  17. Lindsay, D., Garvey, C., Mumenthaler, S., Foo, J. `Leveraging hypoxia-activated prodrugs to prevent drug resistance in solid tumors.' PLoS Computational Biology (2016) Aug 25;12(8):e1005077.
  18. Foo, J, Leder, K. and Mumenthaler, S. `Cancer as a moving target: Understanding the composition and rebound growth kinetics of recurrent tumors,' Evolutionary Applications (2013) Vol 6(1).
  19. Foo, J., Chmielecki, J., Pao, W., Michor, F. `Effects of pharmacokinetic processes and varied dosing schedules on the dynamics of acquired resistance to erlotinib in EGFR-mutant lung cancer,' Journal of Thoracic Oncology (2012) Vol 7 (10).
  20. Tang, M., Foo, J., Gonen, M., Guilhot, J., Mahon, F., Michor, F. `Selection pressure exerted by imatinib therapy leads to disparate outcomes of imatinib discontinuation trals,' Haematalogica (2012) 2012 Vol 97(10).
  21. Gardner, MK, Charlebois, BD, Janosi, IM, Howard, J, Hunt, AJ, and D.J. Odde, “Rapid microtubule self-assembly kinetics,” Cell, 146, 582-92 (2011).
  22. Griffin, E.E., D.J. Odde, G. Seydoux, "Regulation of the MEX-5 gradient by a spatially segregated kinase/phosphatase cycle," Cell, 146, 955-68 (2011). 
  23. Mumenthaler S, Foo J, Leder K, et al. `Evolutionary modeling of combination strategies to overcome resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer,' Mol. Pharm (2011) 8(6).
  24. Chmielecki J, Foo J, et al. `Optimization of dosing for EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer with evolutionary cancer modeling,' Science Translational Medicine (2011) Vol 3, Issue 90: 90ra59.
  25. Leder, K., Foo, J., Skaggs, B., Gorre, M., Sawyers, C., Michor, F. `Diversity in pre-existing resistance to BCR-ABL inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia,' PLoS ONE (2011)e27682. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027682.
  26. Foo, J. and Michor, F. `Evolution of resistance to targeted anti-cancer therapies during general dosing schedules,' Journal of Theoretical Biology (2010) Vol 263 p. 179-188. 
  27. Foo, J., Drummond, M., Clarkson, B., Holyoake, T., and Michor, F. `Eradication of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells: A Novel Mathematical Model Predicts No Therapeutic Benefit of Adding G-CSF to Imatinib,' PLoS Computational Biology (2009) 5, e10000503.
  28. Chan, C.E. and D.J. Odde, “Traction dynamics of filopodia on compliant substrates,” Science, 2008. 322(5908): p. 1687-91.
  29. Gardner, M.K., D.C. Bouck, L.V. Paliulis, J.B. Meehl, E.T. O'Toole, J. Haase, A. Soubry, A.P. Joglekar, M. Winey, E.D. Salmon, K. Bloom, and D.J. Odde, “Chromosome congression by Kinesin-5 motor-mediated disassembly of longer kinetochore microtubules,” Cell, 2008. 135(5): p. 894-906.