Non-University job search and preparation resources

Websites covering all types of jobs


This website is an aggregator that posts jobs exclusively pulled from corporate websites from all over the U.S. in a highly searchable format. It is searchable by state, job function, and keyword (like “internship”). Job postings show how long they have been posted so you can concentrate on newer, more likely still active roles. Visit the LinkUp website.

LinkedIn Students

This website is a student entry point to the wider world of LinkedIn. This site offers lots of job-seeking advice as well as a curated set of its job postings most appropriate to students (lots of internships) and recent graduates. Visit the LinkedIn Students website.


This job aggregator is one of the largest in the industry. It includes full-time jobs and internships from around the world and is searchable by function, company, location, etc. Visit the Indeed website.


This website includes a variety of job types but with emphasis on areas that are friendly to international hiring, including New York, San Francisco, Austin, Seattle, and Chicago. It includes a section on exploring companies to help you do your research, including on fast-growing small- and medium-sized companies. Visit themuse website.

Tech-specific job websites

Break Into Tech

This website offers lots of advice on types of tech roles and how to compete for them, a section on what it’s like to work for different tech companies like Google, and a good section on what interviews are like at the top tech companies, but also has a robust job board for tech jobs. Visit the Break Into Tech website.


This website is easily searchable and includes major companies like Dell, Google, eBay, Deloitte, and all major tech roles. Visit the Dice website.

IEEE Jobsite

This searchable database includes jobs available in the electrical, electronic, engineering, and computer-related fields. Visit the IEEE JobSite website.

Consulting-specific preparation websites

Case Interview Workshop Introduction with Victor Cheng (video) Management Consulted website

Non-profit or volunteer-specific job websites

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

This website lists full-time and internship positions. The internship positions are often open to international students and can be in tough-to-find functions like marketing or HR. University of Minnesota international students have had considerable success using this site for internships! Visit the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits website.


This website posts internships and full-time positions across the world, paid and unpaid. Visit the Idealist website.

Databases to use for company research

The following databases can be accessed through the University of Minnesota Libraries website:

  • Uniworld – Corporate information covering over 200 countries and over 2000 companies. You can find contact information for branches and subsidiaries all over the world.
  • Hoovers – Can research both industries and entire industries (for example technology consulting companies) so if you know one company you are interested in, this resource will help you find others.
  • Orbis – Financial and directory information for 50 million companies worldwide. Includes private and public companies in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and North America. Useful for products, strategy, competitors, and financials.
  • Factiva – Collection of top media outlets, trade and consumer publications, and websites of more than 35,000 global news and information sources from 200 countries in 26 languages. Top news sources include The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires, The New York Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, and Le Monde. Includes financial information for publicly traded companies. Useful for knowing what is being said and written about a company you’re interested in.