Biohacking and Cyborg Rights: Coping with Promise & Peril

Do-it-yourself (DIY) biologists set up home labs in garages and spare bedrooms, or use community lab spaces, to play with plasmids, yeast, and tools like CRISPR. Some members of this community insert magnets, RFID chips, lasers, and genes into their bodies, seeking to enhance human capacity and, in some cases, redefine themselves as cyborgs. Professor Lisa Ikemoto, JD, LLM, UC Davis School of Law, will examine the potential dangers of DIY bio as well as the possibility for building a new relationship between science and society that focuses on knowledge creation, equality and justice. Moderator for this event will be John C. Bischof, PhD, Director, Institute for Engineering in Medicine, Medtronic Bakken Chair, and Professor Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota. Beverages provided; please bring a brown-bag lunch. This is a free lecture and webcast. VIEW THE WEBCAST HERE (will go live at 11:15am CST on Wednesday, April 3).



Start date
Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 11:30 a.m.
End date
Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 1 p.m.

Coffman Memorial Union, Mississippi Room
