Donors support CSE and the U on Give to the Max Day

CSE donors give generously
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering alumni and friends showed support for the college by giving nearly $36,000 on Give to the Max Day, Minnesota's annual online giving extravaganza, on Nov. 12. From recent graduates to long-time supporters, more than 70 donors gave to the one-day campaign. The gifts will help to support scholarships, fellowships, facilities and more. This is the first year CSE has participated in Give to the Max Day.
Overall, the day was a huge success for University of Minnesota giving. Thanks to more than 2,000 gifts, the University set a new record by raising more than $515,000, increasing the amount by more than $170,000 over 2014. More than 60 programs at the University will benefit from the contributions. Thank you to our donors for their continued support!
Ronald L. (ME ’72) and Janet A. Christenson generously donated a $10,000 matching gift to get CSE's giving marathon off to a good start. Longtime advocates for education and environmental stewardship, the Christensons have given to the University of Minnesota to help students attain the dream of a first-rate education and to advance our nation toward a sustainable energy future
Those who will benefit from donor support include students like Connie Dong, a CSE senior majoring in materials science and engineering and minoring in management and statistics.
Dong has received a number of merit-based scholarships at the University of Minnesota, including the Tu and Pi-Fang Chen scholarship and a National Merit Society Scholarship. She was president of the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society and director of grants for the Minnesota Student Association. She is currently a member of Material Advantage and the Mortar Board National College Senior Honors Society. After graduation, she plans to pursue a doctorate in materials science.
“We are pleased with our donors who have shown commitment to our college and its programs,” said Steven Crouch, dean of the College of Science and Engineering. “These gifts will help to educate future generations of scientists and engineers, and our students and faculty will feel the impact of your generosity for years to come.”
If you did not have an opportunity to be part of this record setting day, you can still make a donation now.