Graduate student resources
CSE graduate programs
Graduate student research
There are several ways to acquire a graduate student research assistantship at the University of Minnesota. Your department may offer you an assistantship as part of your admission and acceptance to a graduate degree program. In addition, there are other ways to find an assistantship:
- Check department websites for internally posted positions. See the CSE department directory.
- Visit the University employment system to search and apply for openings
- Network with professors and departments.
With each posting, you will find complete application instructions. Learn more at the Graduate Assistant Employment Office.
Graduate Student Services and Progress Office
The Graduate Student Services and Progress (GSSP) Office is responsible for student academic matters, including monitoring student registration and degree progress, approving graduate degree plans, scheduling of examinations, accepting completed theses and dissertations, awarding of degrees, and maintaining permanent student records.
Information regarding all of the processes listed above, and the forms needed to complete them, are available at the GSSP website.
CSE graduate student and faculty women's program
The CSE women's program for graduate students and faculty promotes networking and enhances your career opportunities through informal campus gatherings, including a monthly speaker series. Read more about the CSE women's program for graduate students and faculty.
Graduate student commencement
The Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (ASE) Graduate Student Commencement Ceremony is held every spring for graduate students in the College of Science and Engineering and the College of Liberal Arts. Visit the ASE Graduate Student Commencement website for more information.
Additional Resources
Policies and Academic Resources
CSE graduate education policies and procedures
Center for Writing: Free writing instruction for all University of Minnesota students
Graduate Student Advising: Advising resources
International travel policy: Requirements for traveling abroad while on University business
One Stop: Information about registration, financial aid, tuition and billing, transcripts, etc.
University Libraries: Science and engineering collection
Student Support
Disability Resource Center: Promotes access and equality for all students, faculty and staff
Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life: Provides support for the LGBTQIA community
Graduate student funding: University-wide fellowships and grants
International Student and Scholar Services: Serves the University’s international community
Student Conflict Resolution Center: Assists students in resolving campus-based problems and concerns
Student Counseling Services: Offers counseling and one-on-one academic skills development to help students succeed
Student Mental Health: Mental health and related resources at the University of Minnesota
Career Planning and Student Involvement
CSE Career Center: Career services for current students and alumni
Academic and Professional Development: Workshops and resources for graduate students
Council of Graduate Students: Student organization for graduate students