
An drawing of the magnetic fields around the sun.

Holey Corona! Sun-grazing spacecraft pries solar secrets loose


NASA’s Parker Solar Probe spacecraft has swooped closer to the sun than any other human-made object. This month, the mission team—including scientists from the College of Science and Engineering, released the first batch of results.

Paul Imbertson’s Grand Challenge course Power Systems Journey: Making the Invisible Visible and Actionable encourages students to become informed voters and consumers.

A Powerful Journey


In his class, Power Systems Journey: Making the Invisible Visible and Actionable, Paul Imbertson teaches students how humans generate, transmit, and use energy.

Sam Froiland with three colleagues on a bridge.

Historians of Science and Technology


History matters—and College of Science and Engineering faculty who are trained historians add to the depth and vibrancy of our departments and academic programs.

Four men looking at components for the telescope mount.

U of M builds telescope to peer into infant universe


Professor Clem Pryke and colleagues at Harvard, Stanford, and Caltech is leading a team to install the BICEP Array in the South Pole.

Technology and Research street sign

University launches record 19 startup companies in FY19


The University of Minnesota announced that it launched a record 19 startup companies in fiscal year 2017 based on discoveries and inventions by its researchers. Ten of those startups have ties to CSE students, faculty, and staff.

Smart Hugs prototype vest_648

CSE researcher takes on artificial intelligence and shrinkable vests


Computer science professor Maria Gini is part of a University of Minnesota team that's developing “Smart Hugs,” a possible new way to manage stress and anxiety.

Vipin Kumar photo

CSE professor initiates data mining conference’s first-ever ‘Earth Day’


University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering Professor Vipin Kumar played a key role in bringing an environmental angle to the 2019 Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), hosted by the Association for Computing Machinery.

Child at State Fair interacting with test tube from CSE

2019 CSE at the Minnesota State Fair


A variety of College of Science and Engineering exhibits will showcase the relevance of science, engineering, and mathematics to people’s everyday lives at the 2019 Minnesota State Fair.

Reineke lab students

Building blocks to success


Chemistry professor Theresa Reineke’s lab is utilizing polymers as a vessel for gene therapy—and giving students experience working with an industry startup along the way.

Illustration of Parker Solar Probe in front of the sun

Future moon landing will leave U of M ‘footprint’


CSE physicists are contributing instruments for 12 NASA investigations in preparation for lunar visits in 2024.