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Keith Olive

Gloria Becker Lubkin Chair in Theoretical Physics, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute

Distinguished McKnight University Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy

Member, Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics

Research Interests:

My research is in the area of particle physics and cosmology. The main topics on which I work are: big bang nucleosynthesis, which is an explanation of the origin of the light element isotopes through 7Li; particle dark matter; big bang baryogenesis, which is an explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in nature; and inflation which is a theory constructed to resolve many outstanding problems in standard cosmology.

  • Accepting new graduate research students
Research Tags:
Keith Olive

Gloria Becker Lubkin Chair in Theoretical Physics, William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute

Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy

Member, Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics

Research Interests:

My research is in the area of particle physics and cosmology. The main topics on which I work are: big bang nucleosynthesis, which is an explanation of the origin of the light element isotopes through 7Li; particle dark matter; big bang baryogenesis, which is an explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in nature; and inflation which is a theory constructed to resolve many outstanding problems in standard cosmology.

  • Accepting new graduate research students
Research Tags: