Q&A with Alex Kincaid-Beal
Name: Alex Kincaid-Beal
Pronouns: they/them
Class year: Junior
Major: Biology, Society, and Environment; History
CSE student organization: oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
Scholarships: University of Minnesota Gold Scholar Award
How did you get involved with Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (oSTEM)?
I first got involved through the oSTEM mentorship program my freshman year. I had an upper-level STEM mentor to help me navigate the U and being queer in STEM. I then applied to be an officer my sophomore year.
Why did you get involved with oSTEM?
It is important to me to be engaged in the queer community, and oSTEM gives me the opportunity to build community for queer people in STEM fields where we are underrepresented. Navigating the workforce as an LGBTQ+ person is already hard, but I believe it is even more difficult in STEM fields, so I am very invested in developing oSTEM's capacity to support LGBTQ+ people in their career searches and building connections between queer students and employers who support them.
What is the mission of your organization?
We envision a world where LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community are empowered to achieve success in a safe and supportive environment that celebrates their diversity and unique contributions. oSTEM empowers LGBTQ+ people in STEM to succeed personally, academically, and professionally by cultivating environments and communities that nurture innovation, leadership, and advocacy.
How can others get involved in oSTEM?
To get involved, join our oSTEM email list, complete our oSTEM committee form, follow us on social media (@ostemumn), and/or attend our officer meetings on Sundays in Appleby Hall. We will be attending relevant student group fairs at the U this fall and hosting an oSTEM informational meeting early in the semester.