
electron microscopic image of alga

Destructive alga uses toxins to become a vicious predator rather than helpless prey, university researchers say


A team of researchers, including University of Minnesota aerospace engineering and mechanics faculty member Jian Sheng, have uncovered new information about a toxic alga that shows it to be a vicious, venom-producing predator rather than merely a helpless sun-loving microbe. The alga has been blamed for harmful algal blooms known as mahogany tides that have resulted in massive fish kills in Chesapeake Bay and other waterways worldwide.

U of M Physics Circus brings large-scale stunts and physics lessons to Northrop Auditorium


If you’ve never seen a physicist drop 20 feet through thin air while his friend shoots a ball at him from a cannon, or grown men shooting streams of toilet paper over an audience with a leaf blower, the University of Minnesota Physics Force has a show for you.

Mathematician who uses 3-D graphics and games to explain the universe will speak at the U of M Nov. 12


When we look out on a clear night, the universe seems infinite, yet this is an illusion, says Jeffrey Weeks, a freelance mathematician, who will speak at the University of Minnesota at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 12 in Willey Hall, Room 125, 225 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis. In fact, it is a multi-connected universe and the best way to explain it is through interactive 3D graphics and games that show several possible shapes for space, Weeks says.

U of M researchers awarded prestigious grants from ARRA funds


A total of 15 University of Minnesota research projects have been awarded more than $10.3 million in funding from the prestigious Challenge and Grand Opportunities grant programs offered by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through funds authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

University of Minnesota researchers develop virtual streams to help restore real ones


Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed a unique new computer model called the Virtual StreamLab, designed to help restore real streams to a healthier state. The Virtual StreamLab, which demonstrates the physics of natural water flows at an unprecedented level of detail and realism, was unveiled for the first time this week at the 2009 American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting in Minneapolis, one of the largest conferences in fluid dynamics with more than 1,500 attendees from around the world.

U of M students reveal results of experiments in 'near space'


How do solar panels work in space? Can you inexpensively measure cosmic radiation? University of Minnesota students will answer these questions and share their findings from scientific experiments recently carried by a weather balloon to an altitude of more than 100,000 feet.

University of Minnesota researchers reveal that states must use comprehensive approach to reduce greenhouse gases


Individual states within the United States can have an impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles, but only if they use a comprehensive approach that includes improved vehicle efficiency, lower carbon fuels and reduced distances traveled, say researchers at the University of Minnesota. The new research on reducing motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions is published in the current issue of Environmental Science and Technology, an environmental journal published by the American Chemical Society.

University of Minnesota computer scientists to help track global climate change through new data mining tools


The University of Minnesota and the Planetary Skin Institute have announced a new partnership to use data mining tools to track historical changes in the Earth’s forest ecosystems and better determine their relationship to climate change. The University of Minnesota is one of the first academic partners to join the Planetary Skin Institute. The partnership was announced today at COP15, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

University of Minnesota women faculty featured in History Center exhibit opening Nov. 27


A photography exhibit featuring women science, engineering and mathematics faculty in the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Technology opens Nov. 27 at the Minnesota History Center, 345 Kellogg Blvd. W., St. Paul. The exhibit will run concurrently with the Benjamin Franklin exhibit until July 4, 2010.

University of Minnesota Institute of Technology changing name to College of Science and Engineering


The University of Minnesota Board of Regents has approved a name change for the University’s Institute of Technology to the College of Science and Engineering, effective July 1, 2010. 

The purpose of the change is to more clearly describe the unique combination of science and engineering disciplines within the college to prospective students and faculty, business partners and research-granting agencies.