Honors and Awards
- Taylor Career Development Award, 2020
- ASCE MN Young Engineer of the Year, 2019
- NSF CAREER Award, 2018
Selected Publications
Heisel, M., Daugherty, C., Finley, N., Linderman, L., Schillinger, D., French, C. E., & Guala, M. 2020. "Aerodynamics of Highway Sign Structures: From Laboratory Tests and Field Monitoring to Structural Design Guidelines." Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(11), 04020233. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002798
Mikulik, D. and Linderman, L.E. 2019. "Environmental Effects on Conductive Surface Sensors and Pattern Applications for Concrete Crack Localization." Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31(6):04019084.
Gaebler, K.O., Hedegaard, B.D., Shield, C.K. and Linderman, L.E. 2018. "Signal selection and analysis methodology of long-term vibration data from the I-35W St. Anthony Fall's Bridge." Structural Control and Health Monitoring, doi.org/10.1002/stc.2182
Verdoljak, R.V. and Linderman, L.E. 2016. “Sparse feedback structures for control of civil systems.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, doi: 10.1002/stc.1847
Sun, Z., Li, B., Dyke, S.J., Lu, C., and Linderman, L.E. 2015. Benchmark problem in active structural control with wireless sensor network. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. DOI:10.1002/stc.1761
Spencer, B.F., Jo, J., Mechitov, K.A., Li, J., Sim, S.-H., Kim, R.E., Cho, S., Linderman, L.E., Moinzadeh, P., Giles, R.K., and Agha, G. 2015. Recent advances in wireless smart sensors for multi-scale monitoring and control of civil infrastructure. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. DOI:10.1007/s13349-015-0111-1
Linderman, L., Jo, H., Spencer, B.F. 2014. Low-Latency Data Acquisition for Wireless Control Applications. Sensors Journal, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/JSEN.2014.2366932.
Linderman, L., Mechitov, K., Spencer, B.F., 2012 TinyOS-Based Real-Time Wireless Data Acquisition Framework for Structural Health Monitoring and Control. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1514.
Linderman, L., Rice, J.A., Barot, S., Spencer, B. F., and Bernhard, J.T. 2010. Characterization of Wireless Smart Sensor Performance. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136(12): 1435-1443.