Andrea (Andie) Christopherson
As vice president and chief actuary, Andrea (Andie) Christopherson leads the actuarial and
underwriting functions for all products and services offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. She collaborates with product portfolio owners, sales and account management, health services and finance to provide insights and informs Blue Cross senior leadership of risk profiles and mitigation actions available for key business decisions.
Prior to joining Blue Cross in 2017, Christopherson served in actuarial roles at a variety of health care companies, including Axene Health Partners in Eden Prairie, Minn., Land of Lincoln Health in Chicago, Milliman in Denver, Optum in Eden Prairie, Minn. and Mercer Government Human Services Consulting in Minneapolis.
Christopherson has a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics with a statistics concentration from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. She is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries (SOA), and a former elected board member of the SOA.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, with headquarters in the St. Paul suburb of Eagan, was chartered in 1933 as Minnesota’s first health plan and continues to carry out its charter mission today: to promote a wider, more economical and timely availability of health services for the people of Minnesota. A nonprofit, taxable organization, Blue Cross is the largest health plan based in Minnesota, covering 2.9 million members in Minnesota and nationally through its health plans or plans administered by its affiliated companies. Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota and Blue Plus® are nonprofit independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, headquartered in Chicago. Go to to learn more about Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota.