
Allison Hubel, CMDC Interim Managing Director

Allison circle headshot 2023

The Center for Medical Device and Health Care Cybersecurity (CMDC) is led by Allison HubelDr. Hubel is a professor in mechanical engineering at the University of Minnesota. Allison has studied both basic science and translational issues behind preservation. She pioneered the use of low-temperature Raman Spectroscopy to understand mechanisms of damage and protection during freezing. Inspired by the manner by which trees survive Minnesota winters, Hubel developed methods of preserving cells using combinations of naturally-occurring molecules. Her work on the development of these new methods of preserving cells has led to the formation of a startup company, BlueCubBio, a 2020 MN Cup Winner. Hubel is a founder and Chief Science Officer of BlueCube Bio. As Co-PI of the U of MN REACH Proof-of-Concept hub (MN-REACH) at the U of MN, Hubel was involved in the development of a skills development program that linked the local I-Corps program with the efforts of the REACH hub. Dr. Hubel has published numerous scientific articles in the field of preservation and she is the author of “Preservation of Cells: A Practical Manual,” published in 2018.

In her role as the CMDC Managing Director, Allison oversees operations, works with industry members, develops and supports research and educational programs, as well as recruits new members to further build the center's amazing industry-academia collaboration.

Keith Vargo, CMDC Program Manager



Keith Vargo is excited to be part of the effort to improve health-related cybersecurity. Keith is a 30-year veteran of program, project, and operations work at the University of Minnesota in the areas of international relations, public affairs, education evaluation, early childhood development research, continuing education in gerontological nursing, and NIH-sponsored prevention research.

As the program manager at CMDC, Keith helps lead team initiatives to develop and offer new for-credit coursework, short courses, training opportunities, special events and conferences. He also manages center operations.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]