Current Funding Opportunities

External Opportunities

The CSE Data Science Initiative is constantly searching for funding opportunities that include a data science element. If you are aware of a current solicitation not listed here, please email us at Opportunities are listed in reverse order by due date. In general, this means that more recent postings will actually be lower down in the table. Dear Colleague Letters are listed in the second table since they often don't announce a new program with a specific due date, but refer people to existing programs and give a prefix that should be used in the proposal title. The second table also includes other solicitations that do not include a specific due date. 

Funding AgencyDue DateTitleComments
NIFA-AFRI (USDA)Vary from August to October 2024.See AFRI website for more information.
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Foundational and Applied Science Program (pdf) 
Recurring. See especially p. 56 and p. 91.
NSFOctober 3, 2024Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH) (NSF 23-614)Recurring, next due date is October 3, 2025.
NSFOctober 10, 2024Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (NSF 24-569)Recurring. Future due dates are October 10, 2025, and October 9, 2026.
NSFRemaining submission windows:
June 25, 2024 - October 18, 2024
January 06, 2025 - March 10, 2025
March 11, 2025 - June 23, 2025
June 24, 2025 - October 17, 2025
Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships (ExpandAI) (NSF 23-506)All proposers must receive an official invitation via the Concept Outline process to submit a full proposal to this solicitation.
NSFNovember 13, 2024Dear Colleague Letter: Planning Grants to Create Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Ready Test Beds (NSF 24-111)"The U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorates for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) are seeking new approaches to develop and evaluate novel artificial intelligence (AI) methods in real-world settings."
NSFPreliminary Proposal (required): November 18, 2024, and September 1, 2026

Full Proposal: March 19, 2025, and February 8, 2027.
Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 (Mid-scale RI-1) (NSF 24-598)

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, NSF will host a virtual town hall outreach webinar with information about the latest Mid-Scale RI-1 funding opportunity.

Town Hall Registration
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Central Time

NSFPreliminary Proposal (required): November 20, 2024
Full Proposal: June 2, 2025
Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships (NSF 24-594)Science and Technology Centers Informational Webinar, October 17, 2024. Register here.
NSFDecember 5, 2024: Letters of Intent (required)
January 16, 2025: Full Proposal
Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics (NSF 24-567)NSF program directors will host a webinar Friday, October 18, 2024, 2:00-3:00 central time. Zoom registration.
NSFDecember 6, 2024
December 5, 2025
Geoinformatics (NSF 23-594)There are two tracks, Innovative Resources and Sustained Resources. Both were open for 2023. 2024: Sustained Resources only. 2025: Innovative Resources only.
NSFDecember 19, 2024 and annually on the third Thursday in December thereafterPartnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice (PACSP) (NSF 24-531)Recurring. Partnership between NSF and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

Preliminary Proposal (required): January 14, 2025; Second Tuesday in January annually thereafter.

Full Proposal: April 22, 2025; Fourth Tuesday in April annually thereafter.

Safety, Security, and Privacy of Open-Source Ecosystems (Safe-OSE) (NSF 24-608)Recurring. Webinar: Introducing the NSF Safe-OSE Program, Thursday, October 10, 2024, 1:00-2:00 CDT.
NSFJanuary 14, 2025 and annually on January 14 thereafter
Discovery Proposals Only in 2025 and 2026
ACED: Accelerating Computing-Enabled Scientific Discovery (ACED) (NSF 24-541)Slides from March 12, 2024, webinar here. Recurring.
NSFAnnually on January 15 Arctic Research Opportunities Arctic Natural Sciences; Arctic Social Sciences (NSF 23-572)Recurring
NSFJanuary 21, 2025Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) (NSF 23-625) 
NSFProposals with a U.S. PI submitted in response to this DCL to NSF must be submitted by January 22, 2025, 5:00 p.m. in the submitting U.S. organization's time zone.Dear Colleague Letter: Special Guidelines for Submitting Joint Proposals under the Quad AI-ENGAGE Collaborative Research Opportunity (NSF 24-132)Quad countries – Australia, India, Japan and the U.S. Joint research should advance the field(s) of artificial intelligence, robotics, sensing, and/or communications with applications to agriculture, particularly those that empower farmers to enhance productivity, sustainability, and resilience.
NASAStep 1: January 23, 2025
Step 2: April 3, 2025
B.16 Heliophysics Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning-Ready DataSpecific proposal opportunity description pdf
NSFFebruary 5, 2025
February 5, 2026
NSFFebruary 19, 2025 and annually on the third Wednesday in February thereafterAlgorithms for Threat Detection (ATD) (NSF 24-526)Recurring. Program supports research on new approaches to leveraging massive spatiotemporal datasets to analyze and understand spatiotemporally distributed phenomena.
NSFMarch 4, 2029Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes (NSF 23-606) 
NSFMarch 17, 2025
Annually on March 15 thereafter
Mathematical Foundations of Digital Twins (NSF 24-559) 
NSFMay 5, 2025
Annually on the first Monday in May thereafter.
Foundations for Digital Twins as Catalyzers of Biomedical Technological Innovation (NSF 24-561) 
NSFAnnually. 2024 due date was September 6.NSF Research Traineeship Program (NRT) (NSF 21-536)Recurring
NSFAnnually, second Friday in September. Community Infrastructure for Research in CISE (CIRC) (NSF 23-589)2023 program solicitation
NSFAnnually on the second Thursday in SeptemberExperiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) (NSF 23-507)2023 program solicitation
NSFTarget dates for Planning Grant preliminary proposals are the second Wednesdays in September and March. Full proposal target dates are the second Wednesdays of December and June. Dear Colleague Letter: NSF (GEO and SBE) Directorates and NOAA Call for IUCRC (Industry-University Cooperative Research Center) Proposals for Modeling of Catastrophic Impacts and Risk Assessment Due to Climate Change (NSF 23-106)See the IUCRC program solicitation for more details.

Opportunities With No Due Date Listed

Funding AgencyDue DateTitleComments
NSFRelevant proposals should be submitted to an existing BIO program, according to that program's solicitation and submission guidelines.Dear Colleague Letter: Advancing Research at the intersection of Biology and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) (NSF 24-131)"To promote research that benefits from AI/ML and reduces barriers to its use in the biological sciences, BIO welcomes proposals that incorporate or advance AI/ML approaches.... Proposals that advance both biological discovery and AI/ML research are especially encouraged."
NSFVaries with programDear Colleague Letter: Using Long-Term Research Associated Data (ULTRA-Data) (NSF 24-081)"NSF seeks to stimulate and encourage the use and reuse of data from environmental time series research to improve generalizable understanding in fields including (but not limited to) ecology, organismal evolution/adaptation, geoscience, and oceanography
CiscoFunding will be available no sooner than August, when the Cisco fiscal year starts. If you would like to submit a proposal, contact Leza Besemann at to submit a proposal directly to Cisco.Security for Gen AI (RFP-24-03)
 Provide a 3-5 sentence description of your project idea, contact information and link to your bio page or website. Based on the short description of the project idea, Cisco will decide if they want you to submit a full proposal.
CiscoFunding will be available no sooner than August, when the Cisco fiscal year starts. If you would like to submit a proposal, contact Leza Besemann at to submit a proposal directly to Cisco.Machine Unlearning: Model-Data Co-Design (RFP-24-04) Provide a 3-5 sentence description of your project idea, contact information and link to your bio page or website. Based on the short description of the project idea, Cisco will decide if they want you to submit a full proposal.
CiscoFunding will be available no sooner than August, when the Cisco fiscal year starts. If you would like to submit a proposal, contact Leza Besemann at to submit a proposal directly to Cisco.Enhancing Factuality and Reasoning in Generative AI Models (RFP-24-05) Provide a 3-5 sentence description of your project idea, contact information and link to your bio page or website. Based on the short description of the project idea, Cisco will decide if they want you to submit a full proposal.
CiscoFunding will be available no sooner than August, when the Cisco fiscal year starts. If you would like to submit a proposal, contact Leza Besemann at to submit a proposal directly to Cisco.Distributed Systems (RFP-24-06) Provide a 3-5 sentence description of your project idea, contact information and link to your bio page or website. Based on the short description of the project idea, Cisco will decide if they want you to submit a full proposal.
CiscoFunding will be available no sooner than August, when the Cisco fiscal year starts. If you would like to submit a proposal, contact Leza Besemann at to submit a proposal directly to Cisco.LLM-Based Autonomous Agents and Agentic Systems (RFP-24-07) Provide a 3-5 sentence description of your project idea, contact information and link to your bio page or website. Based on the short description of the project idea, Cisco will decide if they want you to submit a full proposal.
CiscoFunding will be available no sooner than August, when the Cisco fiscal year starts. If you would like to submit a proposal, contact Leza Besemann at to submit a proposal directly to Cisco.Gen AI Applications in Security (RFP-24-08) Provide a 3-5 sentence description of your project idea, contact information and link to your bio page or website. Based on the short description of the project idea, Cisco will decide if they want you to submit a full proposal.
NSFProposals accepted anytimePlant Genome Research Program (NSF 24-547) 
NSFSee specific programs listed in DCL.Dear Colleague Letter: Leveraging Innovations From Evolution (LIFE) (NSF 24-049) 
NSFProposals submitted after April 30, 2024, will be considered in FY 2025.Dear Colleague Letter: Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research to Achieve Net-Zero Climate Goals by 2050 (NSF 24-045)"With this Dear Colleague Letter, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Engineering (ENG) encourages the submission of research and education proposals related to Net-Zero Climate Goals, including innovations to create a Circular Economy."
NSFProposals submitted after April 30, 2024, will be considered for fiscal year 2025.Dear Colleague Letter: Funding Opportunities for Engineering Research in Artificial Intelligence (NSF 24-039)Research and education proposals related to Artificial Intelligence as an Emerging Industry. 
NSFNot statedDear Colleague Letter: Global Centers Program Competition (NSF 24-023)

Letter to inform people of the next round of the Global Centers Program anticipated to be in FY2024.

NSFNot statedArctic System Science; Arctic Observing Network; Polar Cyberinfrastructure; Arctic Research Coordination and Policy Support (NSF 23-572)Recurring. 
NSFNot statedDear Colleague Letter: Special Guidelines for Submitting Collaborative Proposals under the U.S. NSF/GEO – DFG/Geosciences Lead Agency Opportunity on collaborative Research on Climate Change (NSF 23-113)DFG is the German Research Foundation.
NSFNot statedDear Colleague Letter: Future Proofing Plants to a Changing Climate (NSF 23-096) 
NSFVaries with specific program.Dear Colleague Letter: Build a Resilient Planet (NSF 24-022)"Geoscience research is integral to addressing exigent issues facing our Nation and the world. The magnitude of the challenges that underpin this initiative demands an integrated approach to engage scientists and engineers across disciplines..."