Rachel G. Humann is interested in developing generalizable control methods for powered prosthetic legs by leveraging nonlinear model-based control strategies used for bipedal robotics. Her research aims to create a systematic method to synthesize prosthesis controllers that autonomously adapt to individual human users through sensing key aspects of their movement.
Humann Bionics Lab — ME L134
ME Research Areas
Biosystems & Bioengineering
Sensing & Controls
ME Impact Areas
Human Health
Robotics & Mobility
Ph.D. 2022, Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
M.S. 2018, Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
B.S. 2016, Mechanical Engineering, University of St. Thomas
Professional Background
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2024-present
Postdoctoral Researcher, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2023-2024