Abel | 355 | Design of Active Materials and Structures Laboratory |
Aksan | 2124 | Bioencapsulation Laboratory |
Aksan | 3124 | Biostabilization Laboratory |
Bischof | 255 | IEM Cancer Animal Core Laboratory |
Bischof | 3120 | Bioheat and Mass Transfer Laboratory |
Biswas | MERL | Plasma Power Propulsion Laboratory (3P Lab) |
Bruggeman | L130 | Plasma Science and Engineering Group |
Chase | 451/453 | Fluid Power Research Laboratory |
Chase | 2120 | Polymer Materials and Mechanics Laboratory |
Cui/Simon | 3136 | Micro/Nano Heat Transfer Laboratory |
Cui | 4128 | Technology Integration and Advanced Nano/Microsystems Laboratory |
Donath | L134 | Mobility Technology Laboratory |
Dumitrica | 238 | Computational Nanomechanics and Nanoscale Heat Transfer |
Durfee | 3126 | Human/Machine Design Laboratory |
Dutcher | 265 | Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows Laboratory |
Erdman | L121 | Medical Devices Center Annex |
Hogan | 251 | Particle Calibration Laboratory |
Hogan | 365 | Hogan Lab |
Hogan | 457 | Aerosol Diagnostics Laboratory |
Hong | 4136 | Flow Field Imaging Lab |
Hubel | 3134/3138 | BioCoR - Biopreservation Core Research |
Hubel | | Hubel Research Group |
Humann | L134 | Humann Bionics Lab |
Ilic | 373 | Laboratory for Nano Optics & Mechanics |
Kodandaramaiah | 357/376 | Biosensing and Biorobotics Laboratory |
Kortshagen | L130 | High Temperature and Plasma Laboratory |
Kortshagen | L120-126 | Kortshagen Group |
Kowalewski | 261 | Medical Robotics and Devices Lab |
Lee | 375 | Sungyon Research Lab |
Li (Perry) | 451/453 | Fluid Power Research Laboratory |
Li (Jun) | 3130 | Li Research Group |
Mantell | 2120 | Polymer Materials and Mechanics Laboratory |
McAlpine | 361/363 | 3D Printing Functional Materials & Devices |
Morris | 4124 | HumanFIRST Laboratory |
Northrop | MERL | Murphy Engine Research Laboratory; Center for Diesel Research |
Pui | L136 | Particle Technology Lab |
Pui | 3132 | Particle Technology Lab |
Pui | 4130-4134 | Center for Filtration Research |
Rajamani | 351/369 | Laboratory for Innovations in Sensing, Estimation, and Control (LISEC) |
Rajamani | 1138 | MnCAV Ecosystem Garage |
Severson | 76 | Electric Machinery and Levitation Lab (eLev) |
Shen | L123 | Fluid Mechanics Laboratory |
Shen | 10A | Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory |
Simeni | L136 | Simeni Group |
Simon | 273/275 | Convective Heat Transfer Laboratory |
Srinivasan | 473 | Multiphase Transport Phenomena Laboratory |
Stelson | 72 | Hydraulic Power Transmission Lab |
Strykowski | 471 | Shear Flow Control Laboratory |
Sun | 54 | Automotive Propulsion Control Laboratory |
Tamma | 2102 | Multi-Scale Physics Laboratory |
Tithof | 4120 | Tithof Lab |
Van de Ven | 271 | Mechanical Energy & Power Systems Laboratory |
Wang | 55/57 | Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Transport Laboratory |
Wright | 455 | Wright Lab |
Yang | L101 | Computational Reactive Flow & Energy Laboratory (CRFEL) |