John Bischof works in the area of thermal bioengineering with a focus on biopreservation, thermal therapy, and nanomedicine. In addition to his departmental affiliations, he is Director of the Institute for Engineering in Medicine, and Director of the NSF Engineering Research Center Advanced Technologies for Preservation of Biological Systems (ATP-Bio), which launched on September 1, 2020.
ATP-Bio - Mayo Memorial Building 748
Institute for Engineering in Medicine (IEM) - Mayo Memorial Building 725
Bioheat and Mass Transfer Lab - ME 3120
ME Research Areas
Biosystems & Bioengineering
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
ME Impact Areas
Environment & Sustainability
Human Health
Ph.D. 1992, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
M.S. 1989, Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco (Joint Program)
B.S. 1987 Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Professional Background
Director, Institute for Engineering in Medicine, University of Minnesota, July 2018-present
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, September 2006–present
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, September 2002–present
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, September 1998–September 2002
Nelson Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, September 1993–September 1998
Joint Appointments University of Minnesota (UM) + Abroad
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, 2020-present
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, September 1999–present
Guest Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), 2014–2021
Guest Professor, University of Hannover, 2004–2005, 2008, 2013–2021
Department of Urologic Surgery, University of Minnesota, June 1997–2006
Scientific & Professional Societies
International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering
Society for Cryobiology
ASME Bioengineering Division
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow (ASME)
American Inst. for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow (AIMBE)