Peter Bruggeman's research is focused on low temperature non-equilibrium plasmas. These plasmas enable many environmental, biomedical and renewable energy applications and material processing and chemical technologies.
Plasma Science and Engineering Group - L130
High Temperature and Plasma Laboratory - L120/L122
ME Research Areas
Biosystems & Bioengineering
ME Impact Areas
Energy Transition
Environment & Sustainability
Human Health
Next Generation Manufacturing
Ph.D. 2008, Applied Physics, Ghent University, Belgium
M.Sc. 2005, Physics, Ghent University, Belgium
M.Sc. 2005, Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
B.S. 2003, Physics, Ghent University, Belgium
B.S. 2002, Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium
Selected Professional Activities
- Committee member, Decadal Study of Plasma Science (Plasma 2020), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, 2018-2019
- Section editor of plasma and plasma-material interactions for Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP), 2015-present
- Elected member board of directors of the International Society of Plasma Chemistry, 2014-2021
- Technical area coordinator for Plasma and Pulsed Power Diagnostics of 46th IEEE International Pulsed Power and Plasma Science meeting, Orlando, Florida, June 23-28, 2019
- Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science, USA, 2018
Professional Background
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota, 2023-present
Director of Graduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2023-present
Ernst Eckert Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2022-present
Associate Director DOE Center for Low Temperature Plasma Interactions with Complex Interfaces, 2019-2024
Associate Department Head, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2019-2023
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2017-present
Richard and Barbara Nelson Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2013-2017
Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2009-2013
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ghent University, Belgium, 2009