The Twin Cities Software Process Improvement Network (TwinSPIN) is a regional organization serving as a forum for the free and open exchange of software process improvement ideas and experiences. We fulfill our mission of skills enhancement and sustained commitment in the area of software process improvement through an interactive program of knowledge sharing, networking and mutual support. 

TwinSPIN strives to serve as a community of practice for its members, other SPIN organizations, and the general community of software professionals. From 1996 through today, qualified practitioners in the field have shared their knowledge and expertise via interactive and engaging workshops and presentations. 

Join us!  We meet on the first Thursday of each month, 5:30-8:30pm, from September through May. Representatives from industry, government, academia, other professional organizations, and consultants are welcome to participate.

Join our TwinSPIN Email List

Contact us:  Dick Hedger - [email protected]

Related links:
American Society for Quality
Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Melon University
Twin Cities Quality Assurance Assn (TCQAA)


Schedule of Events for 2023-2024:

DateProgram ManagerTopicSpeakerLocation
October 5thMegan GrahamAdverse Events and Human Reliability

David Johnson, PhD


November 16thAlex DietzBlockChain

Michael A. Ramalho, Ph.D.

IEEE FWCS Blockchain Group Founder

Both Online and In-person options. In-person location: Lind Hall L125 at 6PM CST
No TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin Meeting
No TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin MeetingNo TwinSpin Meeting
February 1stJim PlasekUnisys History

Lowell Benson

Was a UNIVAC to Unisys employee from 1960 to 1994.  While there he earned a BEE from the U of MN in 1966

March 7thJesse FreeseImproving Process as Part of Projects:  How to do (and not do) itTim EilersOnline
April 4thAnthony HarderLeveraging Social Theories to Enhance Human-AI InteractionHarman Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of MinnesotaOnline
May 2ndDick HedgerThe Twin Spin meeting is canceled.The Twin Spin meeting is canceled.Online
June 6thDick HedgerTBD