Scholastic integrity
The College of Science and Engineering assumes that all students who enroll in its programs are serious about their education and expects them to be responsible individuals who demand of themselves high standards of honesty and good personal conduct.
Scholastic dishonesty
Any act of scholastic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense that will result in a sanction being imposed, and may result in expulsion. According to the University of Minnesota Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct, scholastic dishonesty means:
- Plagiarism
- Cheating on assignments or examinations, including the unauthorized use of online learning support and testing platforms
- Engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work, including the posting of student-generated coursework on online learning support and
testing platforms not approved for the specific course in question - Taking, acquiring, or using course materials without faculty permission, including the posting of faculty-provided course materials on online
learning support and testing platforms - Submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement
- Acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonestly grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement
- Altering, forging, misrepresenting, or misusing a University academic record; or
- Fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis.
Aiding and abetting a student in an act of scholastic dishonesty is also considered a serious offense.
Teamwork is required or encouraged in many courses. Students should be sure they understand the extent to which collaboration is allowed and should always acknowledge direct collaboration in any work turned in. If in doubt about what is allowed, ask.
Hearings and disciplinary actions
When a faculty member believes that a student has engaged in scholastic dishonesty, the faculty member should speak with the student, determine whether it is more likely than not that the student engaged in scholastic dishonesty, assign a sanction, and submit a report to the Office for Community Standards (OCS). The student may then be required to meet with an OCS staff member to discuss the matter. If a student disagrees with the outcome of the case and does not wish to accept an informal resolution, the Campus Committee on Student Behavior composed of faculty and students, will hear the case.
When students are found responsible for scholastic dishonesty, the sanctions can include but are not limited to the following options: failing grade on a assignment, failing grade in a course, completing a required assignment, being placed on disciplinary probation, being suspended, or expelled.
Students can expect the severity of the sanction to be increased for a second offense.
A student has the right to a hearing and to appeal any disciplinary action. Records of academic misconduct are kept on file in the college office and in the Office for Community Standards.
If the instructor determines that a grade of F or N for the course should be awarded to a student because of scholastic dishonesty, the student cannot withdraw to avoid the F or N. If the student withdrew from the course before the scholastic dishonesty was discovered or before the instructor concluded that there was scholastic dishonesty, and the instructor (or the appropriate hearing body if the student requests a hearing) determines that the student should receive the F or the N, the student will be re-registered for the course and the F and N grade will be entered on the transcripts.